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Yugbam: Birthday Boy


"Happy Birthday to you," Junior began to sing in the dim room as he brings in the cake carefully.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Yugyeom- Happy Birthday to you!" the rest of the Got7 members joined in, apart from Yugyeom who was smiling shyly as the cake was placed on the coffee table.

"Yeah!" Jackson exclaimed clapping.

The others cheered acting the usual silly hyungs they were.

"Make a wish, make a wish." Mark smiled.

Yugyeom grinned and closed his eyes, putting his hands together. The others waited patiently till Yugyeom finally blew the candles, having to stand up since he was at the end of the couch.

"Woohoo!" they all cheered and clapped making Yugyeom smile as he sat down once again.

Junior stood up and turned the lights back on before taking a sit across the birthday boy.

"Baby Yeom, not a baby no more." Jackson fake cried making Yugyeom and the others chuckle.

"Woah, Yugyeom you seem really popular nowadays." Bambam grinned looking at the endless amount of comments on the screen mostly saying 'I love You!' or 'Happy Birthday Yugyeom!'

"I love you Yugyeom! Happy Birthday! Saehaechulka! Handsome Yeom-Oppa!" Bambam read out loud making his voice as girly as possible. The others chuckled amused as the younger read more messages.

"Thank you iGot7s" Yugyeom blushed and looked at the camera recording them, making a heart shape with his arms.

"Go show the fans how thankful you are." Jaebum suggested stealing a edible decoration from Yugyeom's cake knowing Yugyeom wouldn't mind but earning a glare from Jackson who noticed.

Yugyeom looked at the others questionably. Bambam and Jackson were to busy looking down at the small screen.

"Go, go." Mark pushed with a smile.

Yugyeom nodded and stood up in front of the camera.

"Okay, what do i do?" Yugyeom smiled awkwardly and turned to his hyungs, eyes on Bambam who was holding the phone.

"Oppa, say i love you Singapore." Bambam read one of the comments on the screen before looking up at Yugyeom with a small smile.

"I love you Singapore!" Yugyeom exclaimed at the camera, giving a cute wink and doing the heart shape with his fingers.

"Sing Trap Queen." Mark laughed as he read the comment over Bambam's shoulder.

"Tr-Trap Queen?" Youngjae chuckled amused since he hadn' t heard of this before. Junior frowned as well not knowing what it was.

Yugyeom covered his shy smile with his hand before looking at the camera.

"I'm like hey what'sup hello, something something door." Yugyeom tried rapping before breaking out in laughter. Youngjae laughed his usual loud laugh since he recognized the song, Mark was holding his stomach while Jackson held Bambam's hand since the other was laughing so hard he could drop the phone in hand.

"Hey Whatsup hello." Bambam echoed laughing.

"Bambam, go do acting with Yugyeom." Jackson read while the other holding the phone was still trying to stop laughing.

"Acting?" Mark questioned rubbing his cheeks from laughing.

"What, acting?" Bambam questioned amused once he was calm. "Like what?"

"Go do something." Jackson rushed patting the younger's back so he'll move, and taking the phone away from him. Bambam chuckled and moved around the coffee table so he could be standing in front of the camera like Yugyeom was.

"You guys can do the scene from Big." Youngjae suggested with a grin.

Bambam frowned slightly, scratching the back of his hair while looking at Youngjae. "I didn't watch Big though." Making Yugyeom nod since he hadn't watched that drama either.

"Do a romantic scene!" Jackson read from the comments.

"What?" Bambam exclaimed amused. "Like what?"

Yugyeom smiled awkwardly and looked at the camera, before looking back at Jackson.

"Secret Garden. The coffee scene!" Jackson exclaimed as he read the name exitedly already jumping on his sit.

"Yes, yes!" Youngjae chuckled looking at the magnaes.

"We don't even have coffee." Bambam chuckled a little confused. He remembered the scene, but not too well.

"Fake it." Junior shrugged.

"Use the cake icing." Mark suggested before chuckling.

"Do it now, it's for iGot7." Jaebum smirked, knowing Bambam would end up doing it anyways.

"Wah, blackmail!" Bambam laughed not believing his hyungs. Meanwhile Yugyeom was trying hard not to blush and just kept his default smile on.

"Just do it! We don't have a lot of time." Jackson ordered.

Bambam pouted a bit dumbfounded and looked at the cake. Junior took a bit of the icing with his finger and placed it at the corner of Bambam's mouth with a grin. Bambam slightly glared at him trying not to smile though he felt slightly embarrassed to look at Yugyeom who had his usual smile.

"Okay, Bambam is Gil Ra Im and Yugyeom is the president. Alright, action!" Jaebum clapped his hands not giving the two magnaes time to even get themselves in the right state of mind.

Bambam took a deep breath and finally looked at Yugyeom.

Yugyeom was extremely nervous. But he wouldn't let his expression waver. He wouldn't let his attraction for the other show in front of thousands of people. This was fanservice. For the fans.

"Y-You have something.." Yugyeom breathed, pointing at the icing smeared at the corner of Bambam's pink plump lips.

Bambam raised his eyebrow, looking innocently at the taller.

Ironically, Bambam was also wearing a hoodie like Gil Ra Im had in the scene. It was red, and looked lovely next to Bambam's skin tone. And since the hoodie was over his head, Yugyeom couldn't help but notice how adorable the other looked.

When Bambam sees that Yugyeom isn't doing anything he chuckles softly, thinking he probably was suppose to say something.

"What do i ha-?" Bambam raises his hand, getting ready to wipe it off, the hyung's attention are all on both magnaes, anticipating greatly.

Before Bambam's finger can even touch the smeared icing, Yugyeom's hand was around his small wrists. Bambam gasped softly. His bambi eyes directly looked back into Yugyeom's kind ones. For some reason they looked slightly different, charismatic, determined, which made Bambam nervous. He didn't remember what happened in the Secret Garden- Wait.

He wants to break out in laughter. But he felt frozen. Yugyeom's face was getting close to him, slowly, but it was coming. Bambam nervously looked at the camera and put on an awkward smile.

"Er.." he looked back at Yugyeom and took an awkward step back. But before he could get away, the hyungs were already a screaming mess.

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