Chapter 2

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  I was surprised at first, a woman saving me? It sounded ridiculous but I came to accept it. If we're talking about my body, I was very weak, and skinny, but I felt guilty that she protected me. I was flustered when she had held my hand and made me blush from the exerting heat in her hand. I was walking into my class when a paper airplane hit me on the head. I scanned the room, and saw people running and screaming, throwing objects in the air. I looked around and spotted an empty desk, so I decided to settle down in case I got in trouble. Then, a plump man walked into the room, and slammed his book onto his table. All of the students who were previously screaming immediately sat down in their seats, and turned their attention to the teacher. "Welcome back students, I hope you all had a nice summer vacation, but now its time to officially get back to work. Everyone please get out your history textbooks and turn to page 207.." After that he started rambling on about how the Americas formed. Before I knew it I heard the bell ring, and a clump of students started scrambling towards the door. I walked out after they had all left and checked my schedule. Lunchtime, but where's the lunchroom? "Hey, Kai!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and see a head full of blonde hair walking towards me. "Oh, hello Hyoyeon-noona." I reply. 

  She smiles at me and grabbed my hand, and drags me with her. "Would you like to sit with my friends and I until you get familiar with everyone here?" She asks. I nod, and flash a small smile at her. This noona is super nice, I hope we'll become good friends. "So, how are you liking it here?" She asks. "Its ok so far, nothing really out of the ordinary." "Thats nice, most of the teachers are not that strict. Well, here we are." She says, opening the door. She walks towards a table full with 8 other girls, and I stand there awkwardly, staring at them. She points at me and all of them turn to look at me. "This is Kai, he's new here, so he doesn't have a place to sit, so I hope you guys can make him feel at home, ok?" She sits down, and pats the spot beside her, and I squeeze in next to her. I unzip my backpack, and pull out my lunch. "Hi, nice to meet you Kai, I'm Sunny, Hyoyeon's friend." The girl with the red hair says. "Nice to meet you." I reply. After that a bunch of hands were shoved in front of me, and I got to know all eight girls before I knew it. 

  "So Kai, which one of us are the prettiest?" Yuri-noona asked. I hesitated, not wanting to offend anyone. "Um, I don't really know most of you, so I guess I'll choose Hyoyeon-noona, because I know her a bit better." They all sighed and glared at noona. "Oh, thank you Kai, I don't know what to say, but you're pretty cute yourself too!" She exclaimed. Now that I did look at her better she was very beautiful, blonde hair, and she had an eye smile. After that I continued to eat away at my sandwich and when the bell rang, I bowed to all the girls and walked to my next class.


  When Kai said my name, I felt the same exact feeling as last time. I was very shocked, thinking that he would pick Yoona or Taeyeon, since they was the prettiest out of all of us. I clutched at my heart, and bit my lip, while walking to my next class. I despised this feeling, called love.


Thanks for enjoying the story so far guys, I hope you enjoy the second chapter of Baddest Female. I wish to get out the next chapter by next Friday, but since I have school, that will probably change.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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