Where it all started

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Chapter 1: Where it all started

5 Years Ago

Sulli has been nervous all day. From the time she woke up, to the time she went to the salon to get her hair done, up to now that she's inside her Uncle's elegant car. She juts can't stop worrying about the party. She knows a lot of reknowned people will be attending the party, dignitaries and even celebrities will be there. It's only once a year that FlyAir Corporation is hosting an even as big as this. And her Uncle being the CEO, she certainly can't be absent. 

"You've been very quiet. I'm not used to not hearing you speak for a straight 5 minutes." Uncle Sam said while looking at Sulli with that gentle concerned eyes.

"I'm very nervous, Uncle. You know I don't like parties." answered Sulli who was then close to crying. But she won't. She learned while she was still a young that crying is a weakness. And cry she will not. 

"You know why you have to come right? You're Dad died 6 months ago. And even if I assumed the CEO role, some of the members of the Board are still worried. I'm not getting any younger. And I do not have a child of my own. They need to see that there is a successor." said Uncle Sam

"I know, Uncle. But...What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm like Dad?" said Sulli while looking out the window, knowing that the venue for the party is just a block away. 

"You're pretty. And you're smart. What is there not to like? Besides, I'm with you. Haven't you heard I am the king of charisma? There is nothing to worry about." said Uncle Sam laughing.

Sulli can't help but smile. Uncle Sam has always been the real father figure for her. He has loved her more than her Dad ever did. Uncle Sam is the image of dignity, integrity and everything her Dad wasn't. It's not as if Sulli doesn't love her Dad. She loves him dearly and nearly drowned of sadness when she learned that her Dad died in his sleep. She has to take the first flight back to her home country even if she already started liking living in the US. Her Dad was her only parent since her mother left them when she was 7. It was as if she doesn't know what tod o with her life anymore. But then deep in her heart, she knows that she is not alone. Uncle Sam was with her all the time no matter how busy he was with making sure everything is in order in the company after her Dad passed away. Uncle Sam was her anchor. 


Minho knew the party will be big, but what he did not expect is the extent of how luxurious it will be. The food was the best set of Asian dishes he has ever seen served. AirFly really intends to impress all the attendees of the party. But somehow, Minho's mind is not completely in the party. He's been checking his phone since he arrived at the party. He knows how to socialize, but that doesn't mean he enjoys it. The only reason he's int he party is because his Dad asked this as a favor. His Dad has never asked him a favor before and so when he did, he had to say Yes. But of all the days, why does this party need to coincide with Di's Birthday?!

"You've been looking at your phone the entire time. You know why your Dad needed you to be here, right?" said Minho's Mom whispering to him so that nobody else would hear. 

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