The Knights Unlikely Journey

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There are many stories, though perhaps not quite like this one. This is the tale of an unlikely Knight on an unlikely journey where his perils are not so perilous and his quest not as much a quest as it is an obstacle to overcome. It started many years ago in some kingdom or another where the Knight by the name of Valiant was banished to the outer realms of his kingdom for being useless to the local lord. Unlike other knights, he was a pacifist and did not like to fight. How he became a knight in the first place is still unknown to this day. Ironically enough he carried a mighty sword with him, and donned a suit of armor ready for battle topped with a horned helmet. Though, that battle would never come.

He was sitting alone atop a rock one day after his horse had run off on him after it was scared off by a mouse that ran across the road. As he sat alone in silence he began to see how lonely his life was in the outer lands of the kingdom. He lived in a small makeshift shack between two trees and he knew that he would most likely die of frostbite by winter. Though, he wanted someone around with him to keep him company. In fact, he should get himself a bride to share his lonely days with. But alas, he thought to himself, no woman would talk to a pacifist knight.

A strange light caught the eye of valiant as he started to despair about his lonely situation. As he drew his sword, even without a thought of fighting, he called out to the light.

"Who is shining that light?"

From the light a fairy the size of him took form. She looked quite beautiful in the eyes of Valiant.

"Why are you all alone, sir knight?"

The fairy moved close to him as Valiant sheathed his sword, no longer fearing of any danger.

"I have been banished from my kingdom for being a pacifist, and as such have been very lonely the past few days..."

The fairy laughed heartily as she flew around him.

"So are you searching for someone to be your wife, sir pacifist knight?"

Valiant thought to himself why the fairy would ask such a question. Perhaps, he had thought, the fairy knew of someone to be his bride.

"Do you know where I may find a bride?"

The fairy laughed at him and started to fly away.

"Why yes, I do, sir knight. But a pacifist will never be able to make it to her. He would have to follow this path to the troll's bridge, through the dragon's gate, and past the skeletal guard Skelos. A man who cannot fight cannot make it to her."

The fairy soon flew off, incredibly happy with herself, leaving Valiant alone yet again. He looked ahead to see a trail suddenly appear before him, to which he could see a bridge, a large wall, and a giant tower in the distance. He then realized this was the path the fairy had described to him. However, he would have to cross many perils to meet his bride. Though, he had nothing else to do, and as he thought about it more, he could probably find another way to make it to his soon to be wife.

The knight called out to his horse as it shakily appeared from the brush of the forest. He climbed upon his steed and rode forward to the bridge.

As he encountered the bridge a large Troll stepped onto the rock of which the bridge was made of, and blocked his path.

"Hello, knight! Have you come to try and cross my bridge as many before you?"

The troll raised a large wooden club and smashed the ground before him to

express his power, and left a small crater in the ground.

Valiant looked at the troll and decided he would not be of any match, besides he did not wish to fight the troll.

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