a drop in the ocean

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this one made me tear up a little.

Harry always hated it. Management. Their rules with his relationship status. But he never thought they would go as low as this.

It was the day of Louis & Eleanor Tomlinson's wedding. But for Harry, it wasn't as festive of a day. 

Now it was 2016. December because Eleanor wanted a holiday wedding. 

'Its always what Eleanor wants huh?' Harry thought to himself.

But December of 2016 meant other things now. Their 4 year contract was going to expire 2 weeks after the wedding. 

They weren't going to renew it. And they weren't going to sign with anyone else. They were calling it quits. Why? Because, Eleanor thought it would be best for them to all settle down so she could have Louis all to herself.

Okay maybe she didn't say that last part, but she might as well have. Its basically what she thought. 

They were going to have ONE last concert. The day of the expiration. But to Harry, it was his day of freedom. He had something planned that was too unexpected to the fandom.

The wedding went smoothly. As so people told Harry. Of course he didn't go. If he would've he would have gone to every length to make sure Eleanor didn't marry the love of his life.

Apparently "Elounor" had a nice 2 week honeymoon in Hawaii.

Next up; the concert.

They performed every song they every released. Including their 2013 album. The fans went crazy.

Then Harry did a surprise number.

When he got to the line "Heaven doesn't seem far away" and the high notes following it. He started tearing up. Literally after he sang that part, the rest was a blur and a pool of tears. He got through the very emotional number. 

After he was done singing, he went up to Louis, and kissed him. Right on stage. In front of everyone who was livestreaming it and it was everywhere within seconds. 

The kiss had a longing burn and passion, it blew everyone away. 

But all Harry thought of was Louis. Just Louis.

When he pulled away, he looked towards the crowd.

"I'm Harry Styles, We were One Direction, and I am utterly, uncondtionally, truly, madly, crazy, deeply, in love with Louis Tomlinson. But I can't have him. Goodbye. This was fun. Great memories." 

And with that, he walked straight off the stage. Into his car. And drove away.

Finally Free.

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