keep you in my pocket

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double update hah but idk how active i'll be cause i'm starting school on monday ew


"You've gone proper mental, haven't you?"

These are the first words out of Louis' mouth when Harry shows him his second phone.

And maybe it is a bit odd, having two phones. It's strange, of course it is, but Harry has his reasons.

"It's for us," he explains to Louis, wondering if maybe he sounds a bit dumb. He hadn't thought it was a dumb idea when he'd bought the second phone—another iPhone, identical to the one he uses everyday. But this one's meant to be special. Different. Just for the two of them.

Louis laughs, though there's less mirth behind it this time. His tone softens. "What's that even mean, Harry?"

The curly-haired boy shrugs a shoulder and keeps his eyes trained on the phone. "Like... I don't know, to save things. Document things. Special sorts of things, I guess." He cuts off and shrugs again. "I don't know."

Louis is silent for a moment, contemplating, before he plucks the second phone out of Harry's hands. Hitting the home button and unlocking it, he asks, "Can't you do all that on your phone?"

"Yeah, but..." Everything gets lost under business and drunk texts from Liam and Nick and twitter notifications and goofy selfies from Niall and phone calls from Zayn and Mum and Gems and I don't like when you get lost in the mix, Harry doesn't say aloud because the words sound stupid in his mind. Maybe this really was a dumb idea. Sighing, he glances up to find Louis already snapping a quick pic of himself, pulling a funny face.

"Just christening it," Louis explains with a cheeky grin when he spots Harry staring. "There. Now you've got the best lock screen in all of Britain. Possibly the world."

"Even though you think it's stupid?"

"Not stupid," Louis clarifies as he turns and takes a shot of Harry's face. "Just a little odd. And random. Stop pouting, Hazza."

When Harry frowns even more, Louis doesn't turn the phone away as he pokes him in the cheek until his dimple appears. Harry's smiling when he wonders, "How many pics are you taking?"

"Recording actually," Louis says

"Why the hell are you recording?"

Louis shrugs. "Because I can. Isn't that the point of this thing? Do whatever we want with it? Document us for us, as you'd say."

"Well, yeah, I guess, but—"

"Does that mean I can document you giving me a blowjob?" Louis cuts him off, finally looking away from the phone. There's a smile in his eyes, but his face is otherwise blank. Completely serious.

Harry flushes. "Louis."

"That doesn't answer my question."

Harry swallows thickly and looks away for just a moment. He hadn't really thought about it, but he looks back to Louis with a slight smirk. "Might as well, shouldn't we?"

A grin tricks up Louis' lips and he shifts on the sofa until he's straddling Harry, the phone still on and lens facing them. "You know," he says, his lips a smile against Harry's neck, "I'm starting to like this second phone thing. Handy little guy, innit."


And so the second phone begins to fill up. In a week, there are photos of Louis and Harry and LouisandHarry and videos that Harry would simply be too embarrassed to ever show to another pair of eyes. The only calls that come through are from Louis, the only texts that light up on the lock screen have Louis' name beside them, and it's a comfort to Harry, looking at this phone and knowing that every little thing on it is theirs.

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