Eating My Cake Too

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This is my fiances first attempt at writing a book so dont be too harsh and if you feel you love this story and want more please let us know. He wants to share his open mind on when a female wrongs a man and he basically says ok I'm done.

Please refrain from commenting on this until the end of the first chapter because this is hard to do and you should all know that its hard to just freelance write as said I'll be posting his new chapters as the weeks come he just finished about ten chapters and I will break it down accordingly as you look at my picks on here youll see there are different things that i myself read about being im different I am not my fiance I am me :) and now the beginning to Eating My Cake Too.




”Man it’s looking like a good day today what you got planned?" said Marcus.

"Nothing really, just going to the get my hair done, nails done, hanging out with the girlie's later tonight" said a woman.

"Oh," followed by a pause, "I thought it was going be us tonight" Marcus said to the woman. The woman thought to her before she answered, than she replied; “That was tonight? I thought it was tomorrow, I so sorry Marcus.

" Marcus looked at her like there was a crime about to happen. He put his hands to face, and said, "No, it was tonight. I told you this last week, that tonight it was going to be just me and you. But it shows that you're more commitment to yourself than you are to Me." the woman thought to herself, he's right, we been dating for a few months now, and I only see him when I want to; never when he wants to. She responded to him,

" Baby I’m sorry, I forgot that tonight was our night." she reaches forward started to kiss him, saying to him" I promise to make it up to you, I swear." Marcus tries to fight it, but eventually he gives in. “it’s cool, I guess. I had reservation for a fancy restaurant for tonight, but I guess I can change it for next week." she said to her, " this fool is weak, a real man would have put in my place and demanded me to be at his place at 6:30 and not a minute later. No not this one he is too much of a mama’s boy, he needs to grow a back bone."


So what did you think so far comment and let me know :) remember this is his first attempt at writing and i think its pretty awesome so far.


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