2. King Emrys

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Grettir smiled when Merlin answered. "Well then, Emrys. The magical community will be most pleased." He moved out of the way for Merlin to pass. Merlin gave a weak smile, wondering just what he got himself into. He's not of Royal Blood. He can't rule a Kingdom, but he can try. He will not fail his kind again. Merlin passed over the bridge with a nod to Grettir. "Emrys." Merlin stopped and turned around. "Good luck." Merlin gave another nod, turned back around and walked along the bridge through the woods on the other side.


When Merlin stepped onto the clearing that over looked the vast desert that was the Perilous Lands, he almost gasped in surprise. Grettir was right. There was flowers sprouting and grass growing. A lake was also forming near the Fisher King's castle. It no longer looked like it did when he first came here. It seems that the magic has returned to the Land once more. Merlin's eyes flashed gold and he once again disappeared in a swirl of white mist, appearing by the lake, near the castle. Merlin could feel the pure magic resonating from the place and breathed it all in. It felt like his magic was rejoicing and he felt at peace for the first time in a very long time.

Merlin practically ran to the castle, unbeknownst to him the flowers and the grass seemed to grow more rapidly when he passed. Merlin's eyes flashed gold, and the Draw Bridge went up of its own volition so he could pass through. Merlin stood in the courtyard, and sent his magic out across the entirety of the Land of the Fisher King and the castle. The castle seemed to become stronger and newer. The Old stone castle became solid marble and everything seemed alive again. Merlin closed his eyes and spread his magic out further. When he opened his eyes, they were glowing pure gold and everything looked a lot different to when he first arrived. It looked like it had never been ruined at all. He looked down at himself and was surprised to see he was wearing completely different clothing. He wore a royal blue tunic, with runes written in gold on the hem, rich black breeches as apposed to his worn brown ones and a midnight blue velvet cloak with gold lacing the bottom of it and had the Triple Spiral just above his heart. On his head, he wore a simple golden Crown with Aquamarine crystals all around it. His boots were made of the finest leather and extremely comfortable. He noticed that he no longer wore his neckerchief so the long silver scar was visible from when he stopped another assassination attempt where they held a dagger to his neck and drew blood before Merlin's magic reacted and threw the assassin across the woods outside the castle walls, into the wall killing him, in self defence. That's one of the reasons Merlin wore it. As Merlin's tunic shows a little bit of his chest, he could see a little bit of the burn mark Nimueh had given him on the Isle of The Blessed. All four a King who wants him dead. He no longer cared whether they were seen or not. He will wear his scars with pride. Merlin dropped the façade. His shoulders went back, his back straightened and he held his head high. Merlin the servant was gone. In his place stood Emrys, King of the Lands of the Fisher King.

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