~The date~

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Patricia 's pov
I was waiting for eddie, so excited for our date. It was the last one before we went to College.I was wearing a black dress with a very cute corsage(eddie gave me it few hours before).
Me:mmm so weird he's late...
Kt:Don't worry !It'll be the most beautiful date ever!Trust me.
Me:I do,but..
Kt:but what?
Me:nothing you're right. Thank you for helping me to get ready,I couldn't be able to choose a dress so... attractive like you did. Thanks.
Kt:you're welcome!-kt left the room-
~~~~~Two hours later ~~~~~
-I was with mara crying so hard...-
Me:he broke my heart again...
Mara:shhh don't cry patty...he doesn't worth
Me:but I still like him ...
Kt:hey girls !Hi trixie how was your date?Wait ...Are you crying?
Mara:she didn't go to the dat ...
Me:He didn't come! HE STOOD ME UP...
-I started to cry harder-
Kt:I can't belive it!He would never do something like this!
Me:But he did !I hate him...
Kt:no no wait a minute. ... yesterday he was so excited for your date...he wouldn't stood you up.
Mara:what do you mean?
Kt:I'm sure he would've come if he could...maybe something bad happened or I don't know ...maybe he's sick and
Me:No kt please don't try to find a reason for what he did. He stood me up...I have to let him go...he 's over me....so should I.
Mara's pov
~I was so sorry about patricia...she's one of my Best friends and ...~
-I heard Joy screaming like a crazy girl!I started to laugh out loud!I saw patricia smiling and for a moment I thought that everything was gonna be okay and she will forget eddie ...but...
Joy's pov
-I found a letter behind Eddie's chair in the dining room, I was curious sooo I decided to open it and I read it.
When I finished ,I started to scream!I was ...mmm I can't find an adjective to describe me! So I ran upstairs and I gave the letter to patty.
Patricia's pov
-I saw joy ...excited?she ran into my room and she gave me a letter.
Joy:Mara ,Kt I think we have to let patty alone...
Kt:yeah maybe you're right..
Mara:I'll be in the other room.
Me:Thanks girls!
-I was scared ...
After 10 minutes finally I opened the letter.
《Dear yacker,
Listen if I won't be with you ,when you will read this letter it means that I'm kidnapped...
Don't be afraid. I'll be fine. I had to kill roofus before he could hurt you... anyway...I'll be always with you !

With love,
Your weasel face》

My face was full of tears ...I missed my doofus...
I went to the living room where everybody was waiting ...But for who?
Trudy's pov
I was so sad because my lovely children were going to college ...I was crying in the kitchen when Alfie came to me and hugged me...
When I pulled Alfie away I saw all of the anubis guys...Oh my God I was so sorry about their leaving...
Me:loves ...Unfortunately you have to go tomorrow morning,because tomorrow night other children will come.
Jerome:Alright ...I 'll miss you trudy
Me:Oh my sweetheart I 'll miss you too.All of you! -I got away because I couldn't hold back my tears anymore...
Joy stopped me. She hugged me.Then mara, patricia,willow ,fabian,Kt...and-
Me: wait where's eddie?
-Patricia's face became red and she ran upstairs.-
Willow:I don't know maybe he's
Joy:Willow don't talk anymore.
Alfie:Oh please don't tell my girlfriend to shut up!
Joy:Alfie I didn't mean
Me:sweeties please! Let's have fun together one more time...I hope it won't be the last ...
Kt:It won't! I'm sure.
Patricia's pov
I was sitting in my bed,scared about what could happen to my weasel when someone opened the door. It was eddie.
I could not belive it ,I couldn't move...
He came to me and he kissed me gently!
I was so happy ,but I was terrified too.
Me:Eddie what happened to roofus?-I told him with a whisper.-
Eddie:I don't know exactly... but I saw him disappearing,I 'm not sure if he's dead but you have no reasons to be worry about him.
Me:Oh I'm so proud of my baby
Eddie:Baby? Did you just call me baby,don't you?
Me:mmm yep !
Eddie:Wow it's weird but sweet...anyways, yacker we must go to the living room, because Kt and mara organised a party and everybody is waiting for us.
Me:Let's go!❤

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