3. New Start

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       When I reach the large house next to the school I examine my new soundings. somethings off I can feel it, don't know what it is but something is off. This school and house are at least fifty years old judging by it would just barely pass a inspection. I knock on the door, I'm surprised at how quickly I get a response.                                                                                                                                                                                             "Hi, uh I was told to come her because of well uh, I don't have a home" I shiver nervously          "you're that girl from the news!" She says in a odd tone, did everyone watch the news? To me it always seemed boring and a bit depressing.                                                                                                                                   "Yes I believe so, but I don't know why I was on there to be honest" I say quietly.                              "Oh, they showed all the faces of the people who were in the accident so they could be reunited with friends or family who might have been looking for them" she explains                                                                        "oh no one came except for a really weird boy, wait... What exactly happened in the 'accident'" I tell her                                                                                                                                                                                                               "There was an explosion in this abandoned warehouse, a lot of people who were near by got hurt, none really knows what caused it.But your welcome to stay until someone claims you or you have a place of your own" she says                                                                                                                                                             "really?" I say stepping onto the mat with the faded words "home sweet home".                                                   "Yes really, okay so the far rooms on the right have a few empty beds just don't use the left rooms, those are for the boys also dinner is in a hour if you're hungry I'll let everyone know there's a newbie hear, I'm Claire by the way" Claire says.                                                                                                                                       "oh I'm... I'm..." I try to think of my many come to mind Electris, Rose, wolf? and others they could be nicknames I stick with one that stands out the most "Lily iris".

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