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I have absolutely no memory of drinking any alcohol last night but at the moment, I'm not sure if I really was sober because I have a killer headache. The kind where you can feel the blood pulsing through the frontal lobe of your brain and all you want to do is just crawl into a hole and die. So the only solution at this point in time is to just drink 2 doses of Aspirin and hope for the best. But doing so requires for me to actually get out of my heavenly warm bed to go drink it and that just takes too much energy.

So I decide that maybe if I fall asleep I can unconsciously ignore the throbbing pain until it stops on its own. But there is no way I am going to survive long enough with this. Dragging myself out of bed, I use every last piece of energy I have to not go to Alison to complain about Jessie. He just keeps getting away with it and I hate her and him for that. I just avoid her when I get the Aspirin. As soon as I get there I throw back 3 Aspirins, which is apparently dangerously close to overdose according to some people but for some reason, this is how much I require for any effect to actually take place.

But as I'm drinking the last one, Alison comes into the room and demands that I apologise for what happened last night. Can you believe that? How does she have the audacity to ask for that when I did nothing wrong? She says that "I embarrassed her in front of a potential employer and that they are looking for a sophisticated, poised woman for the job and I ruined her chances". Me. I ruined them. Not Jessie. Not the fact that he was wearing MY lingerie, or that SHE didn't discipline him, or that he has absolutely no idea how to be a normal, considerate human being. But that I embarrassed her because I couldn't keep quiet while Jessie did whatever his little heart pleases.

But just when I thought the conversation was over,

"Tonight you, your brother and I are going over to their house for a dinner with their family and you are going to enjoy yourself and not yell at your brother for the smallest things okay?"

"The smallest things? How can you say this is a small thing? Alison, he was going through my things again. I'm not the one who embarrassed you. He was. He's the one who ran out here in my underwear and, I might add, the skirt around his head, which, by the way, he claimed he didn't steal two weeks ago." I practically yelled at her near the end of my little rant.

"Well, you know what, Katie, you shouldn't have let him get your stuff in the first place. So this is basically your fault."

At this point, I was fuming. She has got to be fucking kidding me.

"So basically what your saying is that I have to watch every single object I own every second of the day? Because I can do that, Alison. But that would mean that you'd actually have to do motherly things like cook dinner, drive Jessie to school and friends' house, clean the house every once in a while. You know, things that all good mothers would do. But I guess you wouldn't know how to be that. You'd have to actually act like a mother and actually care for your children. Not just yourself. Sorry, I forgot you've never done anything like that before"

I am so mad by now, that I literally just stormed out of the house and slammed the door shut. I can't take it anymore. I can't keep living in this hell-hole. I take my phone out and dial the first number in the recent calls list. It rings for a few seconds and goes to voicemail.

"Hey, this is Justin. I couldn't get to the phone right now. I'm either trying to drink my stress away or dying of boredom in class. Just do what ya gotta do." Beep.

"Hey, Justin. Sorry to call at this time. I know you're probably still sleeping or possibly just went to sleep but I just really need to talk to someone right now and who better to do it with than my older brother, ya know. Anyway so just call me back when you get this, please. Thanks." And I hung up.

I always call Justin when my mother and I get into a fight. He kinda went through the same thing. That's why he chose a college 9 hours away. He just couldn't face her every day anymore. They got into an argument every single day. And the arguments just got more and more heated. This is all because of my stupid father. If he didn't leave Alison for a dumb 21-year-old Bimbo then none of this would be a problem. We'd possibly still be a family. Justin and I wouldn't be so close, though. This whole situation forced us to get along. Alison always blamed us two for my father's departure but in fact, it was her raging, alcoholic self that did this. Justin is 3 years older than me so he always got the worst of it. Sometimes Alison would come home drunk and would start throwing things around. Justin would always tell me to go to my room and he'll make sure Alison goes to bed. But every time I would wake up the next morning only to find her missing again and him with a busted lip or a bruised eye. Every.. time. I started hating her for that.

But I can't think about that right now. It would just make me angrier. So I try to calm myself and dial the next number on my list. Cory. He's always available on a Saturday morning.

So I click call and as expected, he answers on the second ring.

"Hey T! What's up?" he groggily asks.

"Hey. Sorry, did I just wake you?" I asked. Not even worrying even if I did. He wouldn't care.

"Well, duh. I have my 'just came back from the land of make-believe' voice on."

He won't stop teasing me about that. Ever since I said it one drug infused, narcotic night one time when I was at his house, he wouldn't let it go. Apparently I went on about the land of make-believe for about 45 minutes. I don't even remember it. I was just so angry at my mother that night that I decided to go for, let's just say stress therapy. I could really use that stress release right now. In fact, I might as well ask.

"Sorry. Yea I just got into another fight with Alison. And I'm in desperate need of relaxing. Do you maybe think you could help me with that?"

"Katie, seriously? It's 8 in the morning. Don't you think it's a little early for that?" He actually didn't seem fazed that much with it, though. He always does this, just so he can 'seem' responsible. But deep down, I know he actually wants it himself.

"Oh you know you want it too. Just answer my question."

"Um. Yeah, I do know actually. But we have to wait for an hour or so till my parents leave."

"Yea that's good enough I guess. I'll be over in about 20 minutes."

"Uhuh" And he just hangs up. We never really say 'Bye' anymore. It's kinda just normal now for us to talk all the time.

I'll just make a little detour on the way there. I need some pop. And maybe a candy bar. Oh yeah. Definitely a candy bar. I am also in desperate need of the heavenly, creamy, sweet taste of chocolate.


Ok hey. Yeah. No-one is probably ever gonna read this, but it's kinda just a way for me to bitch about things without actually having to talk about my problems. So I just bitch about other peoples' problems. Even if those people aren't real. But yea. No one is reading this. Obv.

Anyway, so I don't really have alot to say to no-one so I'll just leave it at that for now. Sorry if my tenses keep changing from past to present. Idek why I do that. So yea.
And no she doesn't go out and do drugs every weekend, she just does it every now and then to relax ya know.

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