Today in school Bella and Sophie were learning about the eclipse and how it worked. Apparently it only happens once a year when the sun and moon are both seen at the same spot at once. That's what turns the moon red, the teacher told everybody that the rumour of the moon giving a person their wish was false but Bella still believed. That night Bella and Sophie sat outside and watched the moon turn red as it came towards the sun. "Wow" they both were amazed, each girl made her wish then ran inside watched a movie and went to bed at Bella's house. The next morning they went outside to catch their bus to school, on the way they over heard that Bella and Sophie's favourite band was coming to town: One Direction! After they take the bus they still have to walk 3 more blocks until they get to school. Just as they were crossing the road, BAM! It hit her as she fell to the ground.
Sorry about the wait for this chapter! But in the next one you'll find out what hit her.