Love Fruit

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This is for @GoldenGirl134 <3 thank you for the fan, you love Stephano, here you go hun! :D

(p.s. If anybody fans me I just might make a fanfiction with you and and who ever you want ;D ) BTW this is not in Amnesia or anything.


Megan walked along the sidewalks sighing at the beautiful scenery. Having won a once in a lifetime vacation in France, she had always longed to live here. Picking up some mysterious sweet smelling fruit, paying for it and taking a bite. It tasted like a mixture between an apple and a mango, only mildly sweet. Immediately she asked what it was. The long blonde haired, golden outfitted man replied with a thick French accent "It is a love fruit. The first person you talk to after eating it, you fall for. Oh, lookie that! It's me isn't it?" he laughs. "Yea, I guess.. I'm just on a vacation though... I don't really know my way around here," lie number one, " could you show me around?","Sure, " They exchange numbers, " just wait until I'm off duty." he winks at Megan. " By the way, my name is Stephano." Megan unintentionally began to blush, grasping the number, "My n-n-name is M-megan." she stutters. " Bye!" they both yell as Megan runs to her hotel room. Stephano just shakes his head and smiles. " Heh, another one, but I have a good feeling about this one."

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