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a/n; sorry for the wait ;-; I'm working on ALL my stories not just a few. So don't worry ^_^ On with the storeh!


"Allos?" Stephano answered the phone. "Hey, this is Megan! I was wondering, wanna meet up later?" On the other end, Megan twirled her hair awaiting response from her golden man."Sure. Meet me... uh... at that stand we met at....." Stephano has had encounters like this so many times he usually was never nervous, but to him, Megan was different.

"Half an hour fine?"

"uh yea.."

"See ya!"

"Bye.." Stephano hangs up, actually SHAKING from nervousness. "Stephano bro. You gotta dress nice if you actually care about her!" He talks to himself pulling out a golden tuxedo. "Too formal? Not really, I mean it IS a date right?" After putting on his clothes he walks out the door. Early, but stopping to get something. Flowers, more specifically, hibiscus, as they reminded him of her. So bright, colorful, they brighten somebody's day no matter what. Sweet smelling, they also seem as if they have open arms, willing to hug anybody. Megan the hibiscus.

4 hibiscuses in orange, a golden man standing by a closed fruit cart, and his shaking caught somes attention. But they eventually left, figuring he was waiting for a date. 6 minutes later, enough to be fashionably late, the most beautiful sight Stephano had ever seen appeared.

Megan, wearing a long dark blue dress with a slit up to the left knee. She curled her hair and seemed to be just as nervous as the other. Still under slight enchantment of the fruit she walked up to him.

Stephano bravely taking her by the hand walked her into a beautiful restaurant. The kind that most people dream of being able to afford. An awe-struck Megan looked at their hands and questioned the reasoning of this particular place. "Um.. Will we be able to afford this?" She spoke up and stopped. "Yea, I am the owner after all, I get a 65% discount. Come on! I only hire the best of chefs."

"Wait, I thought you just worked at that fruit stand..." A confused, stunningly beautiful Megan says.

"That's my part-time job, I like meeting people. If I sat around here all the time I'd get bored! C-Come on, take a seat." He explains, slightly stuttering at the end.

*skip eating food*

"That was delicious! And only $24? Jeez!" Megan exclaims, clearly impressed with the meal. "Where to next? " She asks Stephano. "Uh.. I have an idea." A childish grin grows on his face as he walks her to this special place. A park.

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