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hehe, 2o the per2on wriitiing thiis chapter wiil be me! meaniing gray-chan. and ye2 ii mean two talk liike thii2. 

==> Be The Fishy Hipster

Frowning I continued to walk around the bland, grey room. There was nothing to do here except to listen to Gamzee's stupid horns honking, and that was starting to give me a major headache. I tried to talk to Nepeta but Equius stole her away from me, saying I was pathetic to stoop to hitting on little girls.

I mean, she's the same fucking age as me! And I'm not a kid! Jeez, sometimes I really don't understand these stupid trolls, all these lowbloods! They have no right to speak to me this way! It's disrespectful! Even Fef is being mean to me, saying that I keep trying to 'woo' her.

"hey fiish boy," Sol said to me. Oh right, I was talking to him. Sorry not sorry for ignoring him. "are you even fuckiing liisteniing to me?!"

I sighed," yes sol. i'm listenin'," I replied, rolling my eyes.

He raised a black brow," then what was ii sayiing?" He smirked at me, knowing I wouldn't be able to answer.

"u-uh... um..," I stuttered. Dammit...

"and that2 what ii thought," he said, crossing his arms. "never liisteniing to me."

I glared at him, showing a look of hate," oh shut up sol." I looked "youre just jealous of my ignorin' abilities," I told him again, trying to say at least something.

He rolled his eyes," heh yeah riight. liike iid ever be jealou2 of you. at lea2t ii can get a date you pedophiile," I gaped at his insult. No one, and I mean NO ONE called ME a pedophile!

"oh shut up sol! wwho gavve you the right to call me a pedophile?!" I yelled out at him, gaining the attention of Terezi and Tavros. "ugh!" I clenched my fist and walked away, leaning against the wall.

Gamzee walked over, a bottle of root beer faygo in his hand," hEy, BrO. yOu OkAy ThErE?" he asked me, tilting his head. I shook mine, sighing as I looked down.

"no. not really. sol made me mad..," I said with a pout. The juggalo gave me a lopsided grin, handing out his bottle of faygo. I smiled and took it, drinking some of the fizzy drink. I didn't really like it, but I drank it anyways. "thanks gam."

He nodded," No PrObLeM," he replied, taking the bottle back. "aNyWaYs, BrO. tHeRe'S sOmEoNe I wAnT yOuR hIpStEr SeLf To MeEt. CoMe oN." he then took my hand, weaving me through the other trolls in the meteor room.

Sighing I let him drag me along. After a few minutes we came to a stop, letting his light grey hand fall from my own. "hEy, KaRbRo! HoNk."

A small troll turned around. He had black eyes surrounded in yellow, his face was a pale grey along with the rest of his visible skin. The horns on his head were short and knubby, suiting his short body and long, shaggy hair. He was wearing a black shirt with the cancer zodiac sign while his pants were light grey. He was...adorable to say the least.

Gamzee nudged him in the ribs, making the short troll wince and glare at him, muttering out a stream of curses. "UM... HI," he told me, not meeting my eyes.

I smirked and walked closer to him," hello. wwhat's your name then?" I asked him, causing him to meet my gaze.

"KARKAT VANTAS. WHAT'S YOURS OR SHOULD I JUST CALL YOU WEIRDO GUY CHECKING ME OUT?" he asked me, clear amusement lacing in his voice.

I blinked in surprise. Did a lowblood just speak out against me? Even if he was cute it gave him no right whatsoever! I glared a bit at him," tch i wwould wwatch your tongue you lowwblood... but... it's eridan ampora," I replied, my anger fading away by the end of it. 

"DON'T CALL ME A FUCKING LOWBLOOD, HIPSTER," he growled, well more like tried to. It was actually adorable. Hm... He reminded me of a kitten with his actions. Cute yet feisty. Heh, this'll be fun. "AND PLUS, YOU SHOULD'VE ALREADY KNOWN MY FUCKING NAME. I AM THE LEADER HERE AFTER ALL. SERIOUSLY, HOW THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU NOT KNOW IT... TCH... CALLING ME A LOWBLOOD."

My pale grey cheeks burned with anger with a mix of slight interest. He made me angry yet intrigued me... Hmmm. Oh well. I pushed my glasses up my nose and clicked my tongue," wwhatevver shortie. i wwouldn't take orders from you anywways." 

His grey face turned bright red, his more domestic teeth clenching. Aww, he didn't even have fangs. "OH SHUT UP. I COULD BEAT YOUR ASS ANY DAY, FISH BOY."

"don't call me fish boy!" I retorted. 

Gam stepped in and stood in the middle of us, his arms keeping us apart," oH, cOmE oN. cAlM yOuR bRoTaStIc SeLvEs DoWn. We'Re AlL fRiEnDs HeRe RiGhT? nOw CoMe On ErIdAn, sAy SoRrY tO tHe LiTtLe DuDe," he said, looking at me expectantly. 

I frowned and crossed my arms, looking away," ...sorry," I muttered, not really meaning it. Gam told Karkat to say sorry as well, making him mumble a pathetic response. 

Gam smiled and clapped his hands once, making the bottle of faygo stuck in his pants, and yes I mean IN his pants since he had no pockets, shake. "NoW tHaT wAsN't So HaRd WaS iT?! mOtHeR fUcKiN' mIrAcLeS mY bRoThErS... hOnK."

Karkat rolled his eyes," WHATEVER. CAN I GO NOW?"

Gam pouted and clung to him, causing him to spaze and try to pry him off, hissing at him. "WHA-?! GET THE FUCK OFF, GAMZEE!" he shrieked, still trying his futile attempts. 

Gam only shook his head," nO cAn Do, bRo."

I smiled a bit, chuckling quietly while shaking my head. Just a second ago I wanted to rip his head off and now I just want to pull him to my chest and embrace him... Damn... Well, maybe it could go better with him? Meh, doubt it... Seems like the kind to hate pails... 

*ga2p* 2hiit fiir2t chapter fiinally done... yay2! :3

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