Chapter One:
Hermione Jean Granger’s Point of View
I woke up with a loud ringing in my ears, where was I? Was I okay? What happened? I remember getting hit by a car; that should’ve killed me. But obviously I wasn’t dead unless this light is in heaven to torture me… Or I was in hell.
“Jean, Hermione’s awake!” I heard a ruff voice that I immediately pin-pointed as my father’s. But my father was dead, I remember. I sent him to live in Australia with my mother as different people so the death eaters wouldn’t find them, but they found them anyways.
“Dad?” I asked softly, and he chuckled as I wrapped my arms around him. Why was I so tiny? Sure, I was short for my age but I wasn’t THIS tiny. The last time I was this short I was eleven, at the most.
“Hermione, your mother and I thought you were dead! Why did you go running off and got hit by a car? We told you to stay here,” I thought about it, I was hit by a car when I was ten and was put in a coma for about 4 months. That is probably what he was referring to. That means… I was eleven.
No, I thought, this isn’t possible. How did I go back in time? There was NOT possible. It just isn’t. There is no possible magic in the wizarding world that brought you back IN YOUR OWN BODY, a time turner could bring you back but not 10 years, and you wouldn’t be in your own body. Your original persona would continue running about.
I felt light headed, how was I supposed to stop time from changing? I don’t remember EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING about my past! If I took one step out of place, for example biting my lip, then time would change forever.
“Hermione, Daniel? HERMIONE! Oh my goodness, Hermione, I was so worried! Why did you have to run off to get hit by a car?” She frantically fretted and hugged my tight, and I think I hugged her just as tightly.
“I was curious, I thought I saw a boy swinging on a swing alone so I went to go and say hi but… A car raced towards me, I’m sorry if I would have seen it I would have not walked in front of it,” I mumbled into my mother’s shoulder, my voice not yet aged.
“It’s okay, it’s all okay now,” She murmured and I nodded into her shoulder. In truth, I couldn’t remember why I walked in front of the car. That means time has changed already, and I might not even get my Hogwarts letter.
I would never have met Harry or… him. Just thinking about him hurt me, and if I want to keep time on track I’d have to be friends with him. I just hugged my mother tighter.
“Don’t worry Hermione, everything’s going to be okay,” I may have believed her ten years ago, but I knew for a fact that I didn’t now.
It had been two months since the accident, and my first Hogwarts letter should be coming any day now, “HERMIONE,” My mother called from down the hall. I quickly put down my paper I was writing on and hurried out of the room to the kitchen, where my mother was sorting through letters.
“I put your breakfast on the table, go on,” She motioned to the table where there were pancakes and orange juice. Placed under my glass was an elegant envelope, looking as if it could be on Pinterest.
I curiously grabbed the envelope, and turned it to see the Hogwarts seal of the lion, badger, eagle, and snake with the H connecting them all together. I was still a witch, even if I was given a second chance in life; how lucky was I?
I opened the letter, and Mine-Professor McGonagall’s signature greeted me as I saw the letter I held in my hand eleven years ago. It was my letter to Hogwarts, “Mom? Is Hogwarts real?”
“Hog-what?” She asked surprised, and I turned and showed her the letter. Her eyes popped open and her jaw opened wide, “Hogwarts?”
“It’s a school for witches and wizards,” I spoke honestly and she snorted, must not believe me. But it IS true.
“There are no such things as witches and wizards, you are a smart girl Hermione; you should know that,” It was real, and I knew it. But I’d have to drop it; Dumbledore would come in a few days, “It must be a prank,”
I nodded, “Okay mom,”
There was a knock on the door when I was reading ‘Pride and Prejudice’. I laid my book down and carefully added a bookmark, then trampled through the house and to the front door, unlatching it as I swung the door open.
Albus Dumbledore stood in the doorway, smiling kindly down at me. I felt like bursting into tears, but I wasn’t going to because that would look weird, “Who are you?” I asked.
“I’m Albus Dumbledore, from Hogwarts,” I looked at him like he was crazy.
“My mom says that Hogwarts isn’t real and it’s just a prank pulled on me,” I spoke again as my mother froze in the doorway to the foyer.
“Yes but it is real and I will explain later, if you would let me,” I nodded as I stepped back letting him in. My mother looked at me as if I were crazy.
“Hermione! You don’t let people into the house that you don’t know,” She scolded.
“But I know he’s Albus Dumbledore,” I spoke simply. She just shook her head.
“No, Hogwarts isn’t real, Albus, and I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave she stated firmly,” I just shook my head.
“What’s Hogwarts? What’s it like there? How do I get there? How much does it cost? What grades do you need to go there?” I fired questions off and he chuckled.
“Hogwarts is a magical place for witches and wizards, say Hermione, have you ever done something when you were frightened or mad?” I thought about it, even though I knew the answer.
“Yes, I made my mom’s fireplace spit out fire onto the carpet. That’s why there is a scorch mark there,” I spoke simply.
“That’s because of your magic has not been trained yet and if you don’t train it you could destroy everything. That’s what this school is for; to teach you how to use your magic,” I nodded, “It’s a castle and you get there by train. It is free, but you need to buy your supplies and your grades don’t matter until after your first year,”
“Mummy, can I go to Hogwarts?”
“Prove it,” My mother stated.
“Prove what?”
“Prove that it’s for witches and wizards,” She bluntly explained and he nodded. Next thing I knew, my couch was on fire, and my mother screamed. And then the couch wasn’t on fire, and the flames were gone; no trace of them.
“Will I learn how to do that?” I asked awestruck, and he nodded.
“If you are dedicated to your studies then yes you will definitely get there,” I looked at my mom, and she sighed.
“Where do we go to get supplies?”

Impossible Possibilities
FanfictionRon Weasley did something terrible to the wizarding world. He committed murder to thirteen different witches and wizards, including Lavender Brown and Draco Malfoy. Hermione is disgusted at what Ron did and flees. So when she gets hit by a car, she...