Under the north mountain

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Silently cursing to herself, Anna slid down a pile of gold, silver, and gems of all shapes and sizes. Stumbling to a halt at the bottom of the hill she bent over to catch her breath.

Stupid dwarves, stupid Kristoff, how the blazing hells did he ever get me to agree to look for this damned stone with the chance of a dragon still being here.

With a huff Anna crouched down and idly picked through the coins and goblets, tossing the pieces to the side with little care.

"You'll know it when you see, bah! Like I really even wanted to be here, this place is beyond creepy," muttering quietly she tossed a small diamond over her shoulder. "Honestly, they want it so bad they should come and get it themselves."

The sound of cascading metal reached Anna and she paused, turning ever so slightly. She watched as the mound of gold fell away revealing blue and silver...scales? Anna watched in mounting horror as more of the treasure slid from farther away, more of the gleaming scales and an enormous body appeared.

Her knees giving out the small redhead landed heavily on the gold underneath her, a squeak escaping her lips. As Anna's gaze fell back down she found herself staring straight into an extremely large slitted ice blue eye.

"D-d-d-d-dra-dra," Anna stuttered and crawled backwards slowly. "Oh hells bells," spinning around she scrambled to her feet and half ran, half tripped over top the treasure. The ground heaved, slipping under her feet and she leapt for one of the massive pillars. Hopefully out of sight of the immense dragon rising from underneath the riches.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" The voice, as smooth as glass and cold as ice, echoed loudly throughout the cavernous hall intermingled with the sounds of jangling metal. "A little thief in my midst, what a delectable surprise."

Anna flattened herself against the stone, her breathing stuttering past her lips. She had to get out of here, she was in no hurry to become a snack to anything. The clatter of claws on metal rang closer and Anna slid along the pillar the opposite way. Peering as best she could around the stone, she caught a glimpse of the dragon's tail coasting over the gold.

"I can smell you, little thief. I can hear your breath, I feel your air."

She clasped a hand over her mouth, trying to calm her breathing down. Glancing around quickly she spotted what looked to be a pillared building covered in mountainous piles of gold. Anna pushed quickly off the pillar, her focus intent on the opening under the stone ledge. Though the distance was short, Anna felt as if it stretched on forever. The sound of wings and growling, metal screeching under dragon claws, roared in her ears as she ran.

The moment she passed under the thick stone a shadow blocked out the little light there was, causing Anna to trip over her own feet. Twisting her body she watched in a mix of awe and fear as razor sharp claws dug into the edges of the stone, the tail winding about the pillars.

As suddenly as the darkness appeared, it was gone, leaving Anna to blink quickly against the brightness.

"Come now...don't be shy," the voice was quieter, no longer booming throughout the entirety of the cavern. "Step into the light," softer, gentler, more feminine, and that tugged at Anna's curiosity.

Slowly she stood on shaky legs and carefully edged towards the opening between the pillars. Anna peered around the corner, staring out into the sea of gold and riches, twinkling in the torchlight. It was far too quiet. She could've sworn that the temperature was slowly dropping.

"Well now, aren't you a delightful morsel."

Anna jerked her head to the right, coming face to face with a gorgeous woman.

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