On the way

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~5 months later~
Ezra puts the suitcase in the car while I change Daisy into a cute outfit(picture above) and the twins in a matching outfit(picture above). I tell Daisy that we are going now. I put the twins in their carseat and Daisy also. Ezra and you get also in the car and drive to the beach. The twins have been amazing the last months. They can smile now and and Daisy loves to bring them to laugh. She is the best sister for them and loves them. Daisy is four years old by now. Ezra and I have also been amazing the last months. It is hard to be a Mom with three Kids by my age but I manage it. They are our whole world.
~3 Hour later~
We just got to our Hotel and it is amazing. They have a pool and a Beach 3 minutes Swayzes from the hotel. We just go eat our Dinner because it is already 6 p.m. and the kids are already sleepy. But Daisy is pretty exited to go to the beach tomorrow.

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