Chapter 8: Unexpected Surprises Part 1

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BOOM! The submarine suddenly jolts, causing Law and I to stumble to the floor. Well, that's one way to ruin a touching moment. Law then dries his tears away and helps me up to my feet when the alarms start to go off.

"ATTENTION CAPTAIN AND CREW," the speakers automatically calls out, "NAVY WARSHIPS ARE ATTACKING! REPEAT, NAVY WARSHIPS ARE ATTACKING! ALL HANDS TO BATTLE POSITIONS IMMEDIATELY!" That's when I activated my hybrid form and use my tail to pick up Kikoku (Law's nodachi) and toss it to the dark surgeon before we headed out of the room.

"How many this time Shachi?" the captain asks as we meet him on the way up to the entrance as the submarine jolts again.

"Fifteen ships," the crewmate replies, earning a whistle from Penguin. Law smirks in reply as I crack my knuckles before adjusting my katana.

"Let me guess the Game Plan: slice up a ship or two and get to diving when you get bored?" I ask the captain.

"Sometimes, I can't tell whether you're a lucky guesser, or excellent at mind-reading," he chuckles before the door was open to reveal at least forty men already on the deck with more boarding. That's when the Heart Pirates start to clash against the soldiers of the World Government to defend their submarine, initiating the chaos.

"Ittoryu Iai: Farukon Sasayaki," I was the first of the Heart Pirates to attack, using a one sword draw and sheathing technique to speed through and cut down the Marines. However, that doesn't stop more soldiers from trying to board the sub. After a few minutes, some of the ships started to fire their cannons. I got irritated when I had to duck for a cannon ball to pass over my head.

"Oohhh, no you don't," I growled, drawing both katana before raising them above my head and shoulders. Then using the strength of my tiger powers, I jump up to perform a technique that's going to probably going to give me a bigger bounty.

"Nitoryu: Kiyo Taihō!" I shouted, swinging my blades around downwards to create a violet projectile that shapes itself into a bladed, demonic disc that goes through and tears apart five out of the fifteen ships. I then successfully land on some of the wreckage that was closest to the sub, since I jumped a little too high to land back on. Then some of the Marines that were in the wreckage decided to fight back against me for destroying their ship.

"Way to go Yue!" Shachi cheers for a moment before dodging a few limbs that was flying around in Law's 'Room'. He must've activated it when I jumped off the sub. However, I was sensing something that was yet to come. I quickly look to the east to see a black cloud getting bigger and thundering its way here.

If we don't end this fight soon, I thought with my tail bristling, we're going to get caught in that storm.

"Captain!" I called out to Law, getting his attention after pushing off the soldiers off my back. " We have to wrap it up and dive now! There's a storm coming!" Law nods after looking in the same direction that the storm was coming from. He deactivates his 'Room' after disposing his human projects.

"Fall back!" the captain commands, gaining attention to crew members that were either fighting or getting the injured to safety. "Retreat and get others to safety!" When he finishes, the Heart Pirates obey and in less than seven minutes, everyone but myself was back onto the sub. I was trying to find a way to jump back on when a net of chains falls on top of me. And to make it worse, the chains are made out of Sea Prism Stone, so I couldn't move. I was then hoisted up and thrown on the deck of a ship that wasn't destroyed.

"YUE!" the crew shouts, with Bepo, Shachi, Penguin, and Law rushing to my side only to be busy trying to fend off the soldiers that were doing their best to stop them. However, I can tell that Law's stamina time was running out as he struggles to keep his 'Room' up. But he keeps fighting to get me off this ship.

"GET YUE OUT OF HERE!" Law yells at the trio, only to be caught off guard and get hit in the back of the head by the butt of a Navy gun. The soldier smirks as the dark surgeon collapses, causing the trio of my crewmates to be distracted and captured as well. Soon they too were on the same ship as I was. Law was placed in Sea Stone cuffs while still numb from the blow before he was thrown to the deck beside me. The rest of the crew then rushes out once more to save us captives.

"This is a hard earned victory," The vice admiral of the ship laughs menacingly. "We caught the infamous Sieko Yue, just to also capture the Surgeon of Death himself, Trafalgar Law. It's too bad for him," he reaches inside his coat and takes a pistol out , "that this day's going to be his last." That's when the trio and I struggle to escape our restraints in order to save our captain. In a moment of desperation when the admiral aims at Law, my temper snaps.

"LEAVE HIM ALOOOONE!" I suddenly screamed before the officer could pull the trigger as a huge rush of adrenaline goes through me that makes me not only see red, but also giving me enough strength to resist and break through the Sea Prism net while the storm that I saw earlier came sooner than expected. But right now I don't care about it. I owe Trafalgar Law my life, and I'm not going to let him die by the World Government's hand. Not here, not now, not ever.

Third Person

No one can believe their eyes, pirate or soldier, for any Devil Fruit eater is basically weak by either water or Sea Prism. What they just saw was a Zoan user break free of the Sea Prism restraints that was keeping her down. Not only that, but they're also witnessing another transformation that the violet haired sword wielding teen was going through, even though she herself wasn't aware of it.

There was a bright red aura surrounding the girl. The tiger pelt on Yue's back was turning from blue to a golden red. Her eyes were turning from the playful sky blue to a fearsome shade of dark green. Her teeth were becoming more catlike and sharper than ever, as well as her claws. Instead of the traditional tiger ears that she had, they became catlike pointed. When the transformation was done, the Zoan user had become a demonic version of her hybrid form. Not only that, but the storm that Yue warned Law about was upon them, making the girl more menacing when a bolt of lightning strikes.

"So which one of you want to be the first to get mauled?" the tiger girl growls, her voice being doubled as if she was being possessed by her own Devil Fruit. When no one answers, the teen vanishes, as if she was just an illusion.

The Sea Devil Trinity Book 1: Rise of the Blue TigerWhere stories live. Discover now