Chapter 1: The truth

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Evan was just a normal kid in class in grade 8. He was learning math, his least favourite subject, and had already been caught napping a couple of times. "Mrs. Peach," he began, "can I go get a drink?"

"Yes," said Mrs. Peach, "just be quick about it"

He got up from his desk and left the class. As he shut the door, he was unaware that he had just made the worst decision of his life.
He went to the water fountain to get a drink. After he took a little drink, he turned around and ended up face-to-face with the school bully, Peter.

"What are you doing here, punk," Peter practically spit in his face.


"Then why are you drinking when I want to drink?"

"You really are an idiot," I replied.

That was another one of his famous mistakes that day. Peter began to shook. At first, Evan thought he was just being dramatic about his smart retort until he realized that Peter was growing. Peter had already been a little taller than him and definitely bigger, but what Evan saw now was Peter 12ft. tall and massive.

"You made a bad decision today warrior," Peter laughed in a voice that definitely didn't belong to Peter.

"Very funny Peter," Evan said as Peter kept growing.

"You may think this is a clever joke but you won't think so now." With that wings that were gruesomely scarred and night black came out where his shoulder blades would normally be. He grew claws and fangs as they jutted out of his top jaw. He almost looked like a gigantic rebel vampire. He took a gigantic swing at Evan. Evan just stood there, frozen, as time seemed to slow down. He saw the claw coming at him and nothing he could do about it. He could make no noise and could only stand in shock. As the claw was about to hit him, Evan braced himself and closed his eyes. After around 10 seconds he didn't get hit and he opened his eyes. When he opened them, he saw his best friend, Kyle, with what seemed like a broadsword in his hand. Kyle had always been the athletic one out of the two friends. He was lean and muscular with a chiseled jaw while Evan was tall, but very skinny and hadn't really grown into his body yet. Even though Kyle was athletic, Evan never expected to see him holding a broadsword with so much confidence and comfort that made him look like he had been doing this all his life. Evan closed his eyes and wished and hoped that this was a dream that he wanted to wake up very badly from, but he knew it wasn't a dream. Even as his eyes were closed he could feel the wind around him and here the sound of metal hitting metal. He opened his eyes again to see that Kyle and whatever Peter was were still in a ferocious battle. Evan who was holding his binder, felt helpless and small. He felt like he needed to help his best friend, and with that thought, he threw his binder. It seemed pathetic and obviously did nothing to hurt Peter. And while the attack seemed more desperate than smart. It distracted peter for that second Kyle needed. Peter turned to snarl at Evan, completely forgetting about the fight. While his head was turned, Kyle lunged and put his sword right through Peter's chest. Peter looked down at the handle sticking out of his chest with a look of confusion and fell down. When he hit the ground he seemed to just disappear.

Evan looked over at Kyle who was breathing heavily, "What the hell just happened?"

"They found you," Kyle replied trying to catch his breath.

"Who are they?" Evan asked, backing away while he did it.

"Just call your mom to pick us up,'" Kyle looked defeated.

They were on there way home when Kyle told Evan's mom what happened. Evan's mom was crying as Kyle told her what happened just a few minutes ago.

"Mom what's happening," Evan asked clearly nervous about the situation that was unraveling.

"I thought," Evan's mom, Teresa, started, sobbing, "that if I didn't open you up to this cruel world, they wouldn't be able to find you. I was stupid to think that they would never find you. I was too selfish in trying to live a normal life."

"Mom, can you explain to me what in the hell is happening."

"Honey," Teresa started, " you were born into a life of demons."

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