The Clash of a Million Years (Part 1)

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Another one shot for my friend's birthday. And by the way it's a 2 part oneshot!! It was too long to fit into one. So remember when Chen says "This is it." It's not really it XDD turn to the next page after that. HAAAAAAPY BIRTHDAY CHEN CHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDD This one shot is perfect cause Chen and Chen Chen. LOLOL okay I'm sorry. Here is a Chen oneshot(obviously) if I make any mistakes as in I give the wrong information about Chen or EXO don't blame me because I'm not a huge fan of them. I'm just writing this as a gift for my friend's birthday. Anyways, ENJOOOOOOY!!!!!!
The Clash of a Million Years
     Chen held out his hand towards me with a huge smile on his face and yet he still managed to look a little demanding somehow. I quickly looked down hiding the blush that formed on my cheeks. Why did that happen? I mean you can't expect a 15 year old to know what love is, can you? I heard him lightly chuckle under his breath. "Come on please? I have to show you something." A 16 year old Chen pleaded with a pout. He looked so adorable just like a little puppy but only cuter. I swallowed hard causing my throat to feel sore and put my hand in his. "I promise you you'll love it Chen Chen." Chen tightened his grip on my hand as he began to lead the way. There were cherry blossom trees everywhere and they were so many different array of colours. The pink and white sakura seemed to fit perfectly together. Just like in a painting that would be held on display in the Louvre. We walked a few steps more until we came to a clearing in the blossom forest. My eyes widened at the sight. There was a small stream that ran down the mountains which ended in a small yet beautiful waterfall before us. Each cherry tree were lined up in rows on either side of the stream and hanging on each tree was a small golden light which made the scenery look like it was something out of this world. That it couldn't possibly exist. The tiny pond at the end of the waterfall reflected the sky perfectly. Everything was just dripping with angelic features making it just seem so unreal. Chen looked down into my eyes with a smile which set the whole scenery in place. "See, that was so worth the nervousness you were displaying in front of me." He pinched my cheek lightly and laughed. I started to blush again this time looking to the side so I could hide but it failed. "Like that! Exactly like that! Relax it's only you and m—" I quickly cut him off, "Oh I know. I just can't believe how pretty it is here. It's amazing Chen really it is." I replied honestly with a grin. His smile grew bigger as he pulled me along with him to the waterfall. I have no idea what I'm feeling right now. It's like a mix of pure euphoria, nervousness and a hint of fear. But that good kind of fear. The kind of fear that makes you feel all tingly inside. I don't know I just don't have any other way to describe this. "I'm glad you like it so much because it's not over. There's still more." Chen sat down on the light green grass and pulled me down with a gentle touch of his hand over top of mine. I followed his silent orders without a word. I started to run my hand over the grass as my eyes began to widen. It was so soft. It literally felt like a cloud. I lay on my back and stared up at the clear blue sky. The sun was just beginning to set so the sky had shimmering ribbons of orange dance across the sky. I don't know how to describe this. Everything was just perfect. Chen set his hand in mine as he began to lye next to me. I could feel his stunning gaze pour into me while he slowly started to trace small patterns on the back of my hand. I started to laugh when his touch got even lighter. "S-Stop.... Chen... It... T-tickles.” I said between laughs and gently shook his hand off while standing up. He beamed looking up at me and started to get up as well. "Okay... I need to show you something. Close your eyes." Chen commanded. I stared at him confused, "Why?" I asked. "Just do it." He replied with a smile. I nodded and did as he said. I soon felt something cold around my neck. My eyes slowly started to open until Chen's voice stopped me. "Ah ah ahhh. Keep your eyes closed." I did as he said becoming confused yet again. He turned me so I was facing him with his hands resting on both of my shoulders. Now I was really confused. What was he doing? I soon felt Chen's hands cup either side of my face. My breath caught in my throat as my heart started to beat at the speed of a million kilometers per second. He closed the space between us only inches away from my face and started to pull me closer. "Keep your eyes closed." Chen whispered. His hand slowly moved to the back of neck as I felt something soft brush my lips then he deepened it and that's when...
      "That was all just a huge LIE! He just left after that without saying a single word!" Tears started to fill my eyes as I ripped the picture I was holding in my hands in half. I watched my tears slide down Chen's face in the picture as more tears began to fall out of my eyes. Why did you just leave like that?! I haven't seen you for 5 years and I've been searching for you across the globe since then. WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! You just lied straight to my face. Saying that you would never leave me. That you would always stay by my side. But guess what?! You didn't keep that promise. It's like you disappeared off this earth and travelled to a faraway planet that's unknown. I touched the heart locket he gave me that day he confessed to me. I set my gaze on the words that were engraved on the front of it. "It was thee who opened my heart." Was it? Was it really open it to me? I swallowed hard as I bit back more tears.
Chen's P.O.V.
       I sighed deeply. I felt so frustrated, I just couldn't take this anymore. My hand picked up the glass full of water and I started to swirl the water around while looking towards a picture on my desk.  "I'm so sorry but I had to do this." I pulled my eyes away from the picture of Chen Chen and looked to the door. The door knob began to twist. I bit lip hard enough for blood to spill out of it. As soon as the door opened I threw the glass I was holding across the room. It hit the wall with a loud crash, shattering it instantly. I didn't even bother to look up to see who it was because I already knew. "Oppa, I told you to stop breaking all the glasses!" Mi-Yun pouted, trying to look innocent. But she really wasn't. SHE was the CAUSE for all of this. The reason I left Chen Chen was because I had to marry Mi-Yun by force from her and my parents. I didn't even get a say in this. And I know what you're thinking. Fuck them and follow your heart. Yeah, I tried doing that but Mi-Yun threatened me that she would do something to Chen Chen. Yes, I could've stopped her. But that's not entirely true. I remember she did this with another guy and the girl ended up dead. No one has found out yet. Her tracks are hidden very very well. Mi-Yun's parents were in on it as well BUT of course they never believed that their precious, innocent daughter could do something like that. I tried everything in my power to prove that she was guilty. I even told my patents over a million times but no one believes me! They think it was some other person who killed that girl. I'm the only one that knows the truth and it's killing me from the inside out. "Oh just fuck off." I spat at her as I began to get up until she pushed me back down. "Come on Opp—"
    "DON'T even try to play innocent with me right now Mi-Yun. You've ruined countless lives and you walk on this earth like nothing ever happened so the LEAST you could do is let me have fresh air or something!" I raised my voice, glaring daggers at her, getting up from where I was sitting and pushed past her. She laughed, catching my arm, "I bet it's eating away at you from the inside out that I know where she is and you don't. Or..." Mi-Yun paused and walked in front of me, her grip still on my arm. "Maybe she's already dead. How could you know if she's alive or not—" I shook her arm off of me and walked to the door slamming it in the process. Dead? There's is no way you're dead. I dragged my feet across the white marble floor with my head in my hands. Why is this so complicated?! Why can't I just have a say in this?! Well, I guess that wouldn't really make a difference. "Chen? Oh good you're here." My mother looked up from what she was doing and smiled. My only response was a nod as I began walking closer to her to see what she was doing. My eyes widened at the wedding invitations. The words on the invitation read: You are invited to Miss Mi-Yun & Kim Jong Dae's wedding ceremony: May. 21, 2013. That's only tomorrow?! How can I fix everything in only 24 hours?! "Why are we having this wedding that early?! The least you guys could do is make it in another year or so." I stated honestly with fury becoming very clear in my eyes. "Jong Dae, we have to do this on May 21." My mother replied trying to calm me down. "But I love someone else. I don't love her." I said trying to control my anger. She shook her head with a long sigh, "It doesn't matt—" I interrupted her, raising my voice. "It does matter! It does matter if the so called 'innocent' and 'perfect' bride threatened me. If she already did this befo—" My mother stood up quickly, making all the invitations fly everywhere. "ENOUGH! KIM JONG DAE! You're really starting with that again?" She asked me in disbelief. It was like I told her the  world was ending tomorrow or something which frustrated me even more. Everyone around me were so clueless. No one knows the real truth. "Yes! I am starting with that because it ACTUALLY happened, Umma!" I yelled back at her. "But none of you believe no matter how hard I try and my first love actually might be dead. DEAD do you know what that means?! She will never be or walk on this earth again." I continued as tears started to fill my eyes but I quickly blinked them back. "What's going on here?" My dad asked the both of us. I looked over to him and saw Mi-Yun and both her parents with him. I clenched my fist and just shook my head while walking out of the room leaving everyone there speechless. "Wait, Chen!" Mi-Yun called after me but I slammed the front door and started to walk to my car. I unlocked it, got in and started the engine. My gaze averted to my front door which had my parents with Mi-Yun running up to my car, trying to stop me from leaving. "Chen, stop right now!" My father yelled. I ignored him, put the car in drive and sped off. You could hear the tires screech very clearly as I turned the corner onto the freeway. I drove a more few kilometers before pulling over. I rested my hand on the steering wheel and sighed deeply. This time I let the tears fall not caring about anyone but 1 particular person right now. Where could you be Chen Chen? I sat back as more tears started to fall and it started to rain as well. It started with just a few drops then it was like a never ending shower of loneliness tapping constantly on my car windows. I watched the rain drops slide down my window. I could see small words written in each one. 'Sadness', 'Lonely', 'Frustration', 'Despair', and 'Empty' And that was exactly how I felt, all of those emotions plus many more that I couldn't quite figure out. The sky grew darker and darker as seconds past. There weren't many cars on the freeway now. It was empty. Just like how my whole body felt, my mind, my heart, my eyes, the movement in my nerves. I looked around me despite the blurriness of my windows because of all the drops of ice cold water. The place I confessed was not too far from here. Maybe Chen Chen is there? Maybe just maybe she's there. "But what if she's actually gone and—" my voice cracked on the last word as just shook my head. 'Stop thinking like that Chen. Think positively. You have to, to make it through.' The voice at the back of my head told me. I sighed and opened the car door, locking it within the process. "It's not too far so I could just walk there." I whispered like I was talking to someone. It will give me a chance to clear everything out. Who knows? Maybe the rain will wash all these unknown emotions that I'm trying so desperately to forget. I let my feet drag me to the place I told her that my heart was hers. Usually this rain would feel like ice but for some reason it actually comforted me. I wasn't even cold, not one little bit. My hair stuck to my face as I reached up to push it out of my eyes. I then touched my face and couldn't quite comprehend which were the tears and which were the raindrops anymore. I heard a loud crash of thunder causing me to jump a little but I ignored it. Right now nothing was going to stop me to see if she was still there or not. "Chen Chen?!" I yelled out into the stormy skies. Acting as if she was right in front of me when she really wasn't. "I will find you. I will never ever give up on you. So please...? Don't give up on me. Chen Chen...? My voice doesn't reach you but please listen to this." I paused and swallowed hard. "I love you." I whispered as I finally distinguished which were my tears and which were the rain as they fell from the corner of my eyes.
Chen Chen's P.O.V.
   I could swear I could hear someone call my name and I could swear it was Chen's voice. My eyes scanned the room to see if he was actually here. To see if he just appeared out of nowhere but it was just my 3 friends and I. I figured it wouldn't be true. "You need to try to let go." Masumi said while putting a hand on my shoulder.  How can I let go? It's too hard to just let go just like that. Jaskiran was about to open her mouth to say something until Neveen cut her off. "How do you expect her to let go?" She asked in disbelief. "I mean he confessed 5 years ago and they were friends from the start and you expect her to let go when he just disappears?" She finished with a sigh. I think Neveen is the only person that's telling me to not let go and to not give up. I know everyone is just saying to let go so I won't hurt anymore but it wouldn't make a difference if I let go. I just wish I could turn my emotions off just like how a light switch works just like how a single rain drop crashes to the earth. But the reality is you can't turn your emotions off no matter how hard you try. "He has to have a reason, right?" I whispered under my breath so no one else could hear me. I touched the necklace he gave me when he confessed and sighed. I have no idea to where you might be. "Hey!" Neveen asked aloud making all of us jump. We all looked at her confused as she spoke. "I think I might know where he is." She acknowledged with wide eyes. My heart stopped right when she said that. I knew exactly where she was talking about. I can’t believe I’ve never thought of that before. How could I be so stupid?! Maybe just maybe he's there, where he confessed. I quickly got up from where I was sitting, got my car keys, jacket and ran out the door. Not even saying a good bye or explanation to where I was going. There is a chance that Chen could be there right?! I mean he just has to be there. This is my last and only chance to get him back. I got in my car and backed out of the drive way quickly.  "Son of the President of EXO Inc, Kim Jong Dae and daughter of the President of  CAD Inc, Mi-Yun wedding arrangements  are now under way. The wedding is set to be on May. 20." The voice on the radio spoke with a cherry voice. I sighed deeply. Who really cares about these rich people anyways?! "Kim Jong Dae is—" The voice started to speak again until I quickly changed the radio station with wide eyes. Kim Jong Dae? As in Chen? That was his real name. I just called him Chen because it was a lot shorter. This just doesn't make any sense. He's getting married to someone else?! Tears began to quickly fill my eyes as I started to fight them back but it was no use. I tried to wipe them away so I could actually drive and see what was right in front of me but it was no use. No matter how many times I tried to wipe them away they just kept pouring out. Just like a never ending river. If he's getting married… Why would he be at the place he confessed if he's GETTING MARRIED TO SOMEONE ELSE?! Maybe he doesn't love her? Maybe he was forced into this? How pathetic can you be Chen Chen?! I yelled at myself inside my head. He's not going to come back to you! Chen is not going to come back to you. He has moved on. Chen doesn't love you anymore. As much as those simple yet difficult words hurt could it be true? It hurt so much to think of those words as the truth. It felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest, stomped on then thrown a million yards resulting in nothing but a thousand shattered pieces. It felt like I just jumped off a cliff and there was no surface at the bottom to hit to just end all the agonizing pain I was currently feeling. He loves someone else and not me? "Chen...? Doesn't... Love... Me... Anymore...?" I spoke aloud with my voice cracking on every word I spoke from the broken sobs I was letting escape so easily.
“Chen Chen... Don't give up on me. Give me one last chance. Please?”
A distant voice spoke aloud. I recognized it as Chen's which caused more tears to fall out of my eyes. I quickly pulled over and held my head in my hands containing the sobs that crept up my throat. Why can't your voice leave my mind even when I haven't heard it for 5 full years?!
“Chen Chen please...?"
I heard the voice again as I sighed deeply in frustration. Get out of my head just get out of it! My eyes slowly looked up to see where I was and I was right in front of the path that led to the place where Chen first confessed to me. What are the odds? I quickly shut my eyes so tight that I could eventually see different colours appearing. I got out my car and started to think of if I should go or not.
“Chen Chen wait for me. I'll be there."
     Chen's voice invaded my mind once again. Wait for you? Will you actually be there? You're here now. It wouldn't hurt to go on and check. Well, besides the fact my heart may be gone forever if he isn't there.
Chen's P.O.V.
     "Chen Chen wait for me. I'll be there." I spoke aloud as the rain still began to pour over me. I reached the path and sighed deeply. This is it.

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