Chapter 1: Arc Kyoushiro and his 3 apprentices
A new threat has been detected. The death gloom tribe of half-blood vampires. Half-bloods are the 1st part of death gloom, and the pure-bloods are the real threat. In order to collect the crystals, and defeat the 'indestructable' clan of vampires, we will need the help of the Arc's apprentices, But to say, we are still not arcs. We are still apprentices. Mistakes are made, and, ofcourse, because of the death gloom tribe, the ritual of making has been shattered, that makes us still apprentices to this time.
The Half-bloods of the tribe, destroyed the seal of Youishi that guarantees an apprentice as an arc. Now, all apprentices must team up and cooperate in order to accomplish the peace of the world.