Chapter One - Story Of My Life

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She places down her champagne glass as she sighs and looked at the extravagant room. Black and white suit and ties and dazzling dresses clouded her vision as she looked for him. And there he was surrounded by more suit and ties with his fiancée in tow, Zayn Malik now the world's second biggest business tycoon. Also her childhood best friends. He turns to see her and waves her over. She approaches the group and he started introducing her to the businessmen around her.

"Taylor, these dashing looking men are Harry Styles." The man with vivid green eyes took her hand a gave it a kiss on top, she gave out a little struggle giggle as she said "It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, m'lady." Harry replied with a sly smirk, she was already familiar with him, he was the youngest CEO in UK of Styles Corp, centric around creating new technology. Zayn chuckled and continued

"This blonde chap, is Harry's assistant Niall Horan. " Taylor and Niall nodded at each other respectively.

"Here we have the wielder of pain, Liam Payne."

"Wielder of pain?" Liam scoffed good naturally, "What a horrible pun, but this young lady is quite the contrary of horrible"

"I'm delighted to meet you, Mr. Payne."

"Mr. Payne? Please, you make me feel old." Liam Payne, CEO of Payne Holdings, they ship things across the world, whether it be food, technology, animals, everything. He doesn't do many interviews but it's quite obvious in the few he's done, that he's got a large vocabulary.

"Of course it does Payno, and this scruffy looking chap is Louis Tomlinson, Liam's trusty assistant."

"At least he has an assistant." Loss sassed, "You've got you fiancé, and we all know what she helps with." Everyone laughs.

"Yes of course, and this fine lady is my childhood friend Taylor Swift." She smiled at everyone.

"So that's where you two met, I was wondering why a girl with such beauty would be involved with you." Harry commented

"Harry watch out, Taylor's an investigative reporter, don't try anything on her."

"You write, for Prying Eyes magazine, correct Miss Swift?" Niall finally said something.

"Taylor will do, and yes I do." Taylor replied with a nod of her head, the way this man was looking at her, made her feel very unease, but as a reporter she learned to stand her ground, and not falter.

"Well, Taylor excuse me, I've got other guests to greet," Zayn apologized, "Have fun." And he left her again. She was used to it by now, it was like that since they were little, and it just reminded her how he didn't change. She waved a little to him and his fiancée, before Liam's quite charismatic, assistant pulled her into a very intriguing conversation about the recent scandals surfacing the top businesses.


Finally, Taylor returned home, quite tired. Her dress started to feel stingy, she never was a fan of fancy attive but as a reporter and a person she got to dress appropriately for every occasion, or so her late mother said. Changing out her of black dress, she put on her bunny pajama's, just because she was 26, didn't mean she couldn't wear cute PJ's. She flopped down onto her bed and pulled out her laptop onto her lap. It was late, but her article had to be done for tomorrow or her boss would have her head, oh why did she get into Zayn's words?


"THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL NEWS?!" Taylor's boss yelled. "THIS IS GOSSIP, WE SELL THE TRUTH SWIFT TRUTH!" she cringed as she tried shrinking in her seat. Ashton Fletcher lrwin, her boss, but everyone calls him The Growler, for he enjoys yelling at his staff. Ashton took a deep breath in. "Listen Swift, two years ago I took you in as an investigative reporter because you uncovered the truth behind great scandals, but for the past few months you've been giving me nothing but trash, gossip." He ran his large hands though his ruffled hair and continued his frightful pacing. "One more chance Swift just one more, I like you, but this." He through her papers, "Is not what we need." Taylor nodded.

"I'm sorry s-" she was cut off by a frantic looking Ed, one of her closest friends and co-worker.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but may you check the news?" Ashton groaned, then took the remote and turned it on his television. There on the news was broadcasting 'Zayn Malik ruined after tape leak.' The news reporter went on about how these tapes were sent to the station right after his new Casino opening. One tape was just audio where you could clearly tell it was Zayn's voice, the conversation was an argument. An argument

The other tapes followed, showed 'Zayn' cut corners in the casino's building, deeming it unsafe and another of Zayn's and couple of things, doing drugs. Taylor couldn't believe her eyes, Zayn would never do that. This all will completely ruin him.

Ashton turned to Taylor who's phone was ringing but the news was distracting her. "Swift! Pick up your phone." She snapped out of her trance and stared at her phone 'Zayn Malik' popped up repeatedly. "Well Swift, who is it?"

''It's Zayn." she murmured.

''Well pick it up Tay." Ed urged, Taylor still in a bit of shock that the man she grew up with would surface such scandals.

"Taylor." Zayn's voiced breathed out. "I need your help."


Trash #1 Speaks :

Hey guys, thanks for reading chapter one of Find the Doubt it means a lot. This whole account is part of mine and another girl's project so each week we'll update and put vote goals, this week we only want 2 votes. Lol, yeah we dont expect much.

So for security reasons and stuff, we wont reveal our names but we do have nicknames we'll go by. I'm Trash # 1 or Zee, you might know me from my account .zyglavis

Well thanks anywho! Bye!

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