Chapter 2: Cheekiness and Cuddling

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Chapter 2: Cheekiness and Cuddling

Louis’ POV


Ughhhhh… what was that horrid noise?


I thrashed my arms about the nightstand to get rid of whatever was trying to interrupt my deep slumber, coming in contact with my phone, in turn knocking it onto the floor.

Hearing the thump, I groaned, sitting up and taking off my sheets. I reached forward, not unlike a zombie (I’m pretty sure I looked the part), and reached for my white iPhone that lay face down on the floor. I sucked in a breath, praying the screen wouldn’t be cracked as I picked up the rectangular object. Turning it over, I breathed a sigh of relief, there was no damage inflicted upon the glass.

As I inspected the phone, I realized that it was 15 minutes until 5 o’clock, and that I needed to hurry if I were to be able to watch the sunrise with Harry. I was going to extreme measures for this boy, even waking up before the rest of town does, and I would not be giving up on him. I recognized something special in him from the moment he opened his bright green eyes.

I rushed over to my dresser, pulling out a grey jack wills sweatshirt and a pair of black sweatpants, then proceeded to throw them and grab my grey toms. I slipped them onto my feet and grabbed my phone, putting it in my sweatshirt pocket. I tiptoed out of the door and closed it quietly, hoping not to wake anyone in the house.  Slowly walking down the carpeted steps, I tried desperately to come through the knots in my hair and hopefully get rid of my awful bed head. Glancing in the mirror by the door briefly, I palmed my keys from the dish, making sure to lock the front door before I left.

I headed off to the opening of the woods, located only about 15 minutes away from my house, and set off on the same path I had gone through only yesterday. I checked my phone to see it was already 5:30, and I started walking a little bit quicker, so that by the time I reached the opening, I was practically running. I sucked in a breath as I saw a familiar head of deep brown curls, and headed over to the rock he was sitting on, so that I was directly behind him. A devious plan formulated in my mind and I inched closer to the green-eyed boy.

I leaned down so that my lips were right next to his ear, almost touching the shell, as I whispered “Boo.”

“Ahhh!” he screeched, jumping up from his seated position and knocking my head back with his shoulder in the process.

“Um… OW!” I complained, rubbing my neck in hopes that the pain would magically disappear.

“OH MY GOD LOUIS, DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT! I almost died!!! Do you not realize that I could’ve very well fallen off this rock and rolled over the cliff? I would’ve been dead, Lou! Dead! Then it would all be on you, for trying to play a stupid prank on me! If you do that again I swear I’ll have a bloody heart attack!” He shouted animatedly, swinging his arms in wide gestures, and then settling his hand on his chest in what I guessed to be an attempt to calm his racing pulse.

“Calm down, drama queen. You know you wouldn’t have died, I mean come on, and why would I try and kill you after just the second day of meeting you? That would just be a tad bit rude, wouldn’t it?” I smirked, setting my bum down on the now unoccupied rock.

He glared at me and stated “It’s way too early for this. There’ll be payback, I hope you realize.”

“Mmhm, sure babe.” I stated, unconvinced, as I looked out to the sky. I felt myself being pushed off of my seat, and soon I landed with a thump on the cold winter grass. I looked up at Harry with a shocked expression, while he just stuck his tongue out at me.

“Serves you right, you bugger.” I frowned at the comment and got up, brushing the dirt off my pants. I plopped myself down onto Harry’s lap, grinning at his reaction.

“I’ll just sit here then.” I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my head in the crook of his neck, lifting my feet to rest them on the side of the rock. Harry tensed for a second, before relaxing but still sitting there awkwardly.

“Do you seriously need me to teach you how to cuddle like a normal human being?” I asked him with a huff, looking up at his face. His face turned a light shade of pink and he looked away, avoiding my gaze.

I couldn’t help it that I was a cuddly person, so it wasn’t unusual that I was already doing this on only the second day of knowing him. What can I say? I’m a very touchy feely guy. Some people may describe this as slightly abnormal, but I guess it’s just the way I was born. As my mum used to say, I clung on to people and never left them alone. I guess it was just in my genes. I never felt the need to put a label on myself, either. I just went with the flow and fell for who I fell for. I guess that was a bit strange, too.

I unhooked my arms from around him and took hold of his arms, which lay stiffly by his sides, and wrapped them around my waist. Then, I returned to my previous position and sighed blissfully into his skin with a “There we go.”

His arms around me felt like they were meant to be there, and I couldn’t help but feel tingly when he rested his cheek on my hair. This moment was perfect, and the broad strokes of pink and orange in the sky just added to the beauty. I found comfort in the way Harry smelled like cologne and mint toothpaste, and how his curls tickled my face when I cuddled into him.

I smiled softly up at Harry’s face, noticing that he was looking at me as well. We were so close that I could feel his breath on my lips, and all I could see was Harry Harry Harry. My breath hitched in my throat, and my heart started beating a mile a minute. Harry looked at me intensely, and I think my heart stopped. I don’t know why I felt so attracted to Harry’s lips, or why his bright eyes hypnotized me so, but at that moment I couldn’t really care less.  Because Jesus, Harry was beautiful.

So, I closed the gap that remained between us and attached my lips to his. And I can truthfully tell you that in that moment, the sunrise had nothing on us. 

Authors Note

Um... so i hope that wasnt too rushed or anything, but yea. Do you like the bit of Lary lovin' i put in there? ;D Hopefully whoever's reading this does, haha. 


Peace out, Brussel Sprout.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2013 ⏰

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