Picking the Proposal Ring

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Jacks Pov.
Today was Elsa's and my second year of dating. I guess you could call it our anniversary. And today I was going to propose to her! I can't wait! Rapunzel and Anna are helping me pick out a ring. I told them two weeks ago and, honestly, I'm surprised they didn't tell anyone.

Ring ring ring!!
"Hello, Anna!" I say.
"Jack! I'm so glad you answered. I can't wait for today! 2:00 p.m., right?"
"Yeah! I'm excited, too. I want to find the perfect ring! It's gonna be great! But, oh no, wait! I don't think-"
"Jack! Calm down. Even I'm calmer then you. Geez. So what's wrong? And say it slowly."
"Faster than that!"
"WHAT!?!? Jack the most important part! How could you forget it?"
"I personally think the most important part is the ring. But okay. I'll hang up and call right now," I tried so hard to sound calm. We said goodbye and I called the restaurant. Then, I'm all ready and leave to meet Anna and Punzie.


"Hey guys!" I said as I walked up to Fine Jewlery Retailer.
"Hey Jack!" Punzie and Anna said in unison. They opened the door and we walked in. (Yes, I know I should've opened it, but they were at the door first. And anyway, why can't it be gentlemen first? Ladies always go first.)

"Hello," the employee said as we walked in. He was a tall guy with brown hair and green eyes. "Can I help you with something?"
"I'm looking for a ring for my girlfriend," I said.
"Which one of these girls are your girlfriend?" He asked.
"Well, actually they already have boyfriends."
"Then you shouldn't ask whichever one your proposing to to marry you! She would married and dating!" The man looked disgusted. He did not understand.
"Actually, they are related to her and are helping me pick out a ring for my girlfriend."
"Well, that makes more sense," He relaxed a bit and Anna and Rapunzel were trying so hard not to laugh.

I gave details on what Elsa liked and he showed us rings.  The next hour was just quick and simple answers.

"No, not that one," I would say.
"That ones not right either," I would say again.
"Close," Punzie would say.
"Ummm, not quite," I would respond.
"That's not quite it, either," Anna said.

We just started to give up when I glanced behind me and saw the perfect ring. Blue, snowflake shaped, precious diamonds. I gasped and Anna and Rapunzel turned their attention to it. "Wow! It's perfect!" Rapunzel said. I decided to buy it even if it was $600. I bought it and we left.

Hi! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the sequel! If you comment I'll put a shoutout for you! Bye!

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