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Dear Harry Styles,

Today was an okay day.

I went with my friend to the mall so that he could buy his brother a present for his wedding. The thing is, he recently dyed his hair blond, which makes him stick out because he's a natural brunette. He didn't do a good job with the bleach, though, so you can still see the brown at the roots of his hair. I think it's cute on him. He only did it because the girl he was dating liked blond hair.Was dating. She broke up with him a week ago. He was pretty mad, but it was funny because when he's mad his Irish accent slurs a bunch, so it sounds like he's mad and drunk at the same time.

His name is Niall Horan, by the way.

Also, I found out via the news that you're going to be in my town for a concert. Doncaster. It's that big of a deal. I literally screamed as loud as I could, and my sister, Lottie, thought I was dying. I want to see you so so so bad, obviously, but I don't have enough money to get a good seat. Maybe I'll just sit in the back, if there are even any tickets left when I scrap up enough money to buy one. I don't know, I just really want to see you. See you bounce around on stage while acting like a complete dork. See you try to dance, but ultimately fail. It's fun to watch you interact with the crowd, like when you read their signs, even though some of them are disgusting and wrong. Like, seriously. You're gay. There's no need for young girls to use such strong language on something they'll never get.

How are you, by the way? I told you I would ask! How's Michael (you can't see this because it's a letter, but I rolled my eyes.) and how are Liam and Zayn? I saw today in a magazine that you guys went out while Michael was at a concert with the rest of his band. The magazine said that you were on a date with them, or something like that. I hate paparazzi. They ruin lives for attention.

Halloween's almost here. I think I'm going to be a football player or something like that. I remember last year when you went as Miley Cyrus. That was hilarious, to see all of those pictures that were taken. Honestly, though, you looked better than Miley herself. You slayed that costume.

In case you didn't know (you didn't because you've never met me), I'm pretty hot.

No. I'm just kidding. I'm nowhere near hot. I'm short (only 5'9"), kind of pudgy, and my hair always curves in the wrong way when I style it in a fringe, which is most of the time. My fashion choices are from year 10, because I still fit into the clothes and I don't have the money to buy new ones. So basically I'm stuck with old band t-shirts, striped shirts, suspenders, and very bright chinos. Hideous. If I ever meet you, though, I'll be sure to find something much more decent. I'll borrow something from Niall, maybe.

Maybe you'll see me, and time will stop. Maybe we'll stare at each other like there's no one else in the room, and maybe you'll stutter when I come up to you. My voice will be small, only because /you're my idol/, but yours will be even smaller, your speech barely heard as you stand entranced in my beauty and innocence. Even if I'm older than you, you'll be taller, and you will tower over me with such a huge smile on your face that it will look like the dimples will pop out of your cheeks. Your green eyes will light up with a new kind of brightness, a look of pure passion will cross your awestruck face. Most likely, Liam and Zayn will be with you, like they normally are, and they'll see the look on your face and be confused because they've only ever seen that look when you were around Michael. I'll blush, maybe mumble a greeting, and then, instead of speaking, you'll pull me into your toned chest, and I'll collapse into you, probably crying my eyes out because you're so much more beautiful in person.

As if.

My fan fiction skills have seem to have gotten better. I should post that on my story. It's about you and me dating, if you haven't already guessed, but it's an AU so that I can make myself rich and the man of your dreams. A lot of my followers are Larry af. I should put it on there. Or not, because I'll seem like some psychic when it actually happens. Or I'll seem delusional if it doesn't I'm pretty sure it's going to be the latter. I'm not that pretty. The only thing that will be true is that I'll be crying. Not the cute kind of crying where there are just a few tears and a smile, no, I'll be full on sobbing, bawling my eyes out because you are so perfect, it's killing me slowly.

I'm running out of things to say because I'm a pretty boring person, so I'll just send another letter tomorrow! Bye!

Lots of love,

Louis Tomlinson

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