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Three whole days had passed since A and Edd's interaction. She hadn't really talked to them much, being she had schoolwork to do and she was closer to her due date, which was in only a matter of 5 more days.

Nathan, on the otherhand, wanted dearly to see A again.

Not only where they friends in highschool, he had a huge crush on her. She was too oblivious to notice. In fact, she only thought of his obvious flirting as friendly quirks. Nathan got hard just thinking about her.

But enough of that, right? Nathan was knocking on A's door. He felt so awkward just talking about her but he was a man! He had no more boyish fears! He could conquer a beast!

A swung open the door. "Oh, hey Nate!" She was the only person he knew to call him Nate instead of Nat.

"Hey, A!" He says as his knees turn to noodles.

"Whats up?" She gives him a warm smile.

Nathan chuckled. "Oh nothin' really." He leans on the door, smirking.

"Come in." She says blushing. Now, A had a crush on Nathan as well. Its been real since freshman year. She just made one tiny mistake to alter her future...

"Yeah." Nat says coming into her dorm room.

"So babe, hows pregnacy?" He asks plopping on her bed. A laughed. "Its lit." She sits next to him.

"Noice." He says. "Gaaahh, Your ass is bigger now.." He says kissing her neck. "You are hot as fuck." Nathan grins grabbing her throat, lifting it all the way up. A moaned, blushing. She moved her head to the side.

"Nate.." She says half heartedly protesting."

'Oh shit....Woah Nat...take it down a bit... Chillllll.'

Nat says to himself. "Oh shit I-I'm sorry." He says chuckling. "You just looked hot as fuck..." He says rubbing his neck.

A looked down at her lap. "Y-you know what happened..?" She says almost shaking.

"Its not something I enjoy thinking of.." Nat replies looking at the ceiling.

"It was an accident.." She says in a whisper tone.

"You knew how he felt.."

"Not until someone else told me."


"Stop it."

"Listen, your secret wont be safe in 5 days."


"What if she comes out like him?"

"She won't."

"She will."

"I hope not.."

Nat strokes her face. "Don't worry. If she does then she just does. No one will be upset.."

"Yes..they will.. My parents.. My family...I have lied to all of my Friends and if poor Edd finds out...weren't they friends?" She begins to cry but Nat stops her with a kiss

That kiss lasted for a soild minute. Nathan slowly retracted his lips. "Please...don't—don't fucking cry, ok? Anythimg but that." He says looking in her eyes.

A was lost for words. "O-ok..." She says blushing a dark shade of red. "Promise me." Nathan says pushing his forehead against hers. A held her pinky out. "Promise."

Nathan's heart skipped a beat. "Y-yeah." He says taking her pinky. The two were both blushing very hard.

"Promise." Nathan repeated with a nod.

Never has he ever felt so close to A, relationship wise. He wanted to fuck her brains out, but he also wanted to give her the world. In short, he just wanted her in everyway.

A also wanted Nathan. She thought he was the most compatible for her; fun loving, funny, vulgar,  raw but also sweet, loving, and really understanding. She never felt so close to a person like this.

"Nate?" She says.

"Yes?" He replies.



"I love you." She chuckled

"I love you too.." He was confused. "Your welcome." He realized she was thanking him for loving her...

And that was the greatest thanks he could ask for...

Disadvantage Vol. 1. [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now