How you met

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Two bit
You were are school walking around at lunch after your friends left you to go hang with some socs. "Howdy" a bigger guy with rusty coloured side burns said to you, you knew him he was Keith he was in your homeroom except everyone called him two bit. "Hi " you said shyly
You went to the dx to get a pack of smokes and a Coke when a car pulled up with randy and your brother Bob in it. "Hey what are you doing here!!" Bob yelled. "Leave me alone" you said embarrassed that your big brother was checking on you. He left and you turned to walk in and you bumped in to a tall guy who had greased hair. "Sorry" you said blushing "it was my fault" he said blushing the same as you.
You were at the dingo crying and alone after your boyfriend had dumped you. When a very cute boy came and sat across from you " why is a beautiful girl like you crying" he asked "you wouldn't understand" you said holding back tears "try me" you said
You ran as fast as you could you hated your brother Randy so much you went and found this Abandoned lot so you say down and cried. " ..okay? A shy voice asked making you jump, "yes well no" you said crying more
You were at bucks party and you looked over at Sylvia's ex boyfriend Dallas. He was so hot you wished you could meet him. You went up to him "hey" you said "what's up doll" he said biting his lip
You were at the gym when you noticed this very sexy guy. You remember him form high school you couldn't believe it was him. "Hey Darry remember me" you said "hey y

You were walking in the library at school when you dropped a book really loudly on the ground and everyone looked at you. Your face turned red, you quickly turned around and made this guy drop his books "I'm so sorry" you said helping him pick up the books "don't worry about it my names Ponyboy" he said helping you up "mines y/n"

You were at bucks party and a cute boy came up to you and said "hey sexy, can we pretend your legs are 7/11 so there open all night?" You laughed "my names y/n" he smiled and sat down "mines Curly"

I was walking around the easy side when these young hoods came and grabbed me they were about to grab my purse "STOP" a young handsome man said "is she a soc no she isn't" the guy said smacking there heads "sorry about that" he smiled at me "my names y/n" I said "the names Tim"

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