Chaoter Thirty-Eight

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He opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes and that was enough for me to know that he was gonna be okay, enough for me to know that I could walk away without always wondering, but for some reason each step I take gets harder and harder. I know in my heart I'm leaving something really good behind. Logan won't be as easily forgotten this time around. I imagine I'll feel the loss of him everyday. He had my heart and held onto it for eight years, and I know I'm leaving it behind with him again. I don't want it back because it belongs with him.

I step out into the hot air and squint up at the sun, hating what I have to do. Robby offered a police escort over to the mechanics, but I declined. The sooner I can shake the police the better I'll feel, but that doesn't stop the trepidation buzzing through me. I'm on high alert. I know the feeling well; it's just more intense now. Scanning the streets for anything suspicious, I try to convince myself that I've got time. I can get out of here before Hector sends more of his guys after me. I've got the jump on them, and now is the time to disappear.


I startle at the sound of my own name and quickly spin around, filling with short-lived relief when I see Dawn. She's waving and walking towards me with a big smile and my guard goes up as she gets closer. I can tell from the way her eyes dip down to the bag in my hand and her forehead creases that she realizes I'm leaving. I self-consciously tuck my hair behind my ear and look down at the pavement, hating that she's caught me at one of my most cowardly moments.

"How are you feeling?" she asks, placing a sympathetic hand on my arm. I force a brave face and look up.

"Good. Clean bill of health..."

I let my voice trail off, not knowing what else to say. This is awkward. I'm sure Will filled her in on who I am, or who I was to Logan. She most likely knows about our past and I can already tell that she plans on butting in.

"Did you get a chance to say goodbye?"

I nod, feeling numb, and neglect to tell her that it was through a window.

"He's going to be okay," she reassures me.

"I know."

"It doesn't really surprise me that he went after you."

"What do you mean?" I squint up at her and her pretty face pinches as she tries to explain herself.

"It's just Logan is that type of guy. He's brave and loyal. He's not the type to runaway when things get hard. Logan faces them, head on."

Not like me, I think, letting my eyes drift back down to the bag in my hand.

"It doesn't surprise me either," I mumble.

"You know, I'd heard about you before." I bring my eyes back up to her, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Not from Logan," she explains. "In all the years I've known him he's never mentioned you, but Will did. It wasn't long after he first introduced me to Logan. I thought he was such a great guy, and really handsome too. I tried fixing him up with a few of my girlfriends. They all fell head over heels for him, but Logan... I don't know. Nothing ever went wrong in any of the relationships; Logan just broke up with them. It's like whenever things were even close to getting serious, he'd end things. When I asked Will about it, he told me that Logan was kind of fucked up when it came to committing."

My cheeks color. I know she's insinuating that it's my fault, that I'm the reason Logan isn't married with kids and living happily in the suburbs, and I start to get a little defensive, but she either doesn't notice or doesn't care.

"Then Will told me about you. About how Logan was in love with you, and how you guys had one night together before you ran away." I glare at Dawn but she keeps going, determined to make her point. "He never recovered from that, and I remember thinking how sad that was. It's like he's always known he'd get another chance with you." She looks over at me and it's plain to see how much she cares for Logan and how worried she is right now.

"Maisy, you need to understand how strong Logan's will is. He waited for you for eight years, and I have no doubt in my mind that he'll wait even longer if he has to, but Maisy..." She searches my face. "Please don't make him. Logan doesn't deserve that." Tears gather in the corners of her eyes and I fight mine off at the same time.

"If you leave Maisy it's got to be for good this time, and you have to make sure he understands that." She shrugs and takes a step back from me. "It's only fair."

I don't respond. I can't. Everything she said is right. I just watch as she turns around and goes inside the hospital. Dawn has no idea what she's asking of me. I can't possibly face Logan again. A clean break is the best thing for both of us. Hector's men are coming, and I've already put Logan in danger by getting him involved with them. 

I look down at the address for the garage in my hand and make myself hail a cab. As I climb inside I keep telling myself that I'm doing the right thing, the responsible thing, but something deep inside me is gnawing away. The cab pulls away from the curb and I watch the hospital disappear behind me as Dawn's words echo in my ears.

"He waited for you for eight years, and I have no doubt in my mind that he'll wait even longer if he has to..."

Author's Note:

Sorry, but this one is short. I would say "short & sweet," but I think we can all agree there was no sweetness here. My heart breaks for Maisy but she's doing what she thinks best. There's no doubt that she's already involved Logan more than she planned, but is leaving him now the right thing? We'll see...

Catch you next week and, as always, thanks for the votes and comments!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2016 ⏰

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