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At the dead of night she stood as still as a beautifully carved statue on the edge of that bridge. Her perfectly manicured toes just creeping over the edge. She held onto the railing as the cool breeze blew around her white satin dress that tightly clung to her curves. Every vivid memory was rushing through her mind faster than the water below her, she could see and taste the blood, she could feel the sharp metallic blade piercing her soft white skin and passing through her side. She'd had enough. Her family was being maliciously and brutally murdered right before her eyes. Off in the distance she could hear sirens of all kinds coming to her rescue, her roommate must have read the note she left on the table, it read;

- " My beautiful roommate Samantha ,

You have been a perfect friend, always there for me, especially since... That night... I have not been able to get those awful thoughts out of my head, and I fear that no psychologist can ever get rid of these horrendous images branded and burned into my once fragile and delicate mind. Every time I close my eyes I see the blade and the blood. I cannot take this any longer. I do not fear my death any longer, tonight I am going to go and be with my loving husband and my two beautiful daughters at last. Tonight is the night. And if I am to obtain a single kiss from the angel of death itself, I shall finally be at peace and hopefully fly away to be with my family once again. Please do not mourn my death, rather, be happy that I am with my family and I am happy at last. If you wish to recover my body, I will be under the bridge that Ramon proposed to me on. Please Sammie, be strong. I love you so much.

Much love and thanks, your best friend,

- Layla. "

She looked over the edge at the rushing waters below, she could barely see anything but the white foam on the surface. She inched forward and slowly took her hands away from the railing. Letting them fall softly to her sides. Soon the wailing sirens got closer and closer, she looked back to see a police officer just stepping out of his car. He reached out his hand to her. But she did not want to be saved by him. She took one large step and plummeted down, "Angel of death, take me now. I am ready." she closed her eyes and for a single moment in her life she finally felt at peace with herself. As she fell, time slowed down she seemed to be falling at an inch per hour. Everything around her went black and all she could see was a silhouette creeping closer to her, "Angel of death, take me now." She repeated. The hooded figure crept closer the her, then it submerged it's face from behind the hood. She could not believe her eyes. This angel is the most beautiful thing she's ever seen, nothing can be as beautiful as this creature that had come to save her. With a swift movement, it had picked her up and cradled her in its arms as if she were a small newborn infant. Slowly, it bent its head over and placed a soft kiss on her pale white lips. Her body was gone, dissappeared in the now red foam. The police could never recover her body, it was never found. The only fragment that was found was a piece of her white satin dress that had the words, "Angel of death" written on it. She is finally at peace. Floating around somewhere with all of the other lost spirits. All alone. No one to hold or love. Confused, scared, surprised. The Angel that she had kissed was not the Angel of Death, rather it was the Angel of darkness. Sent straight from the damnation by the devil himself. Tricked, besmirtched, and victimized, Layla now floats in her own fake reality, making friends with other lost souls that have too fallen for the trickery of the devil and his Angels. 

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