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Choi Y/N POV

It was lunch and I'm so hungry. I left right after the bell rang. I was the 3rd person in line. I got my food and went to the roof top. I was eating and someone opened the door. It was my most very close best friend, Jung Eunji. I thought she was studying aboard I guess she just got back. I ran to her and hugged her. 

"Hi Eunji~ah your back"

"Hi Y/N~ah yes I'm back and I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. How did you know I was up here?"

"We used to come up here for lunch all the time."

"Give me your schedule" she hands it to me "Oh cool we have all classes together.

"Where's Bomi and Naeun?"

"They are doing a project"

"Oh okay. Well your birthday is coming up. What are you gonna do?"

"I haven't decided yet"

We finished eating and then the bell rang. We walked to class and then Krystal and Paige were walking towards us. Me and Eunji got annoyed by the thought of them talking to us.

Paige "Hey losers"

Eunji "What do you want fake nose girl?"

Paige "How do you know about that?"

Eunji "It's so obvious. I messed your nose up last time I saw you but now it's all fixed. How'd that happen?"

Krystal "Shut up"

"Hey don't talk to her like that or I will mess up your nose" she covered her nose.

Krystal "We are not here for all this dumb talk. I told you to stay away from Mingyu, Joshua, and Wonwoo."

"Why would I listen to you? and plus I never did anything, they did stuff to me" Eunji looked at me with big eyes "No not in that way".

Krystal "They are ours not yours" she said madly

"Who cares they don't like you anyways. Just get out of my face."

Krystal "This is the last time I will warn you or else I will make your life a living hell" I laughed in her face

"Like you can make it happen. Good luck" 

We walked away from them. We sat in class so bored but it went by really fast. To bad I can't sit next to her. 

Fast Forward~~~

Me, Eunji, Bomi, and Naeun hung after school. We went to the cafe we all worked at. You might think why we work at a cafe instead of a high class company. It's because we just want to and cafe it was a high class cafe. We only work on weekends or we just go work if we want to. 

"Hi! Unnie can we get a 4 lattes"

"Yes coming up" 

We sat a table and we got our drinks. We talked for awhile and left to our own houses but Eunji brought me home since I didn't bring my car. I was home and I ran up stairs and I ran in to Wonwoo with no shirt on. I closed my eyes and then he hugged me.



It's morning and I wanted to curl my hair and it's half curled now. It was still wet. I'm gonna look stupid when I get to school. I'm watching the new drama "Sassy go go" with Eunji in there. I love the main guy. I love you guys!! Vote and Comment Byeeee~~~

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