Chapter 16: Decisions decisions.

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Mikasa's P.O.V.
My eyes cracked open abruptly, fishing me out from my net of dreams. Blinding light flooded into my field of vision, making me wince. I flipped myself over, groaning, propping myself up with my arms. I was in the halfway region between being asleep and awake, my mind trying to adjust to the magnitude of light in the room.

Someone rapped at the door urgently, "Mikasa? Mikasa!" My eyeballs lolled in my sockets, searching for the clock on the bedside table. 3:25 a.m.

I propelled myself to the door, turning the knob to see Bertoldt, his face bleached white.
"Mikasa, Armin and Eren have disappeared." An icicle pierced my chest.

"What do you mean 'disappeared'?" I pushed on, every trace of grogginess gone from my body.

"Armin was with Eren in the Survey Corps camp at around 10p.m.. They were devising a plan to retake Wall Maria, I guess," Bertoldt stuttered, "We checked on them at midnight and they were no longer there. Mikasa, I'm so sorry."

No matter how much I wished that tears would fall from my eyes to relieve me from the pain, they didn't. Once again, Eren had left me and this time my best friend, Armin, had perished along with him. The boy at the door motioned for me to follow him to the dining room of the trainee camp. The tips of my fingers were numb, purpling, a vacant feeling settling in my heart. Eren. My mind raced back to yesterday's kiss, the one that seemed to last for eternity. I hoped it would not be our last.

The dining room was swarmed with people, trainees and elite fighters from both the Survey and Trainee Corps. Annie was crouched in a corner, bleakly weeping, cradling a jacket in her arms. It was apparent that it was Armin's jacket as she was already wearing hers. They were all awaiting news of the missing pair. My hand crept up to my neck, feeling Eren's scarf. Why now?

There was a brief knock on the door, drawing everyone's attention to the entering messenger. The boy choked, panting and heaving, short of breath. "We couldn't find either of them on the campus."

Why would anyone want to kidnap Eren or Armin? Eren was not the strongest, neither was Armin besides his overwhelmingly high IQ. Had someone beyond our circle uncovered the secret to Eren's regeneration and wished to harness his powers? It was undoubtedly a special ability that was desirable to many. No. I would not let him leave my side again.

"We have to do something," I exclaimed, stating the obvious, the edge of desperation acute in my voice. All eyes settled on me, heightening the tension.

"You don't know anything about what's happening, Mikasa," Levi smirked, agitated by my blatant statement. He was leaning against the doorway, casting glances at the trainees he deemed to be 'inferior'.

"I do," I proclaimed, narrowing my eyes at him. He cocked an eyebrow and avoided my hard stare.

"Alright, I've had enough of this shit. All members of the Survey Corps, assemble back at our base, now," he announced, then spun on his heels, leaving the Trainee camp with his head held high. He brushed past my shoulder, "including you."

A surge of relief cruised through me, knowing that I was granted permission to their private conversations on how to save my two closest friends. Before stepping out of the camp into the torrential rain, I saw Annie, with her face dug deep into her palms, her shoulders hitching with every cry. Perhaps, she was not as terrible a person as I shaped her to be.

The meeting took place in a dainty, unblemished, near-immaculate room, which Levi claimed to be his office. The curtains were drawn, light bathing every inch of the study.

"Let's get to this," Levi made himself comfortable in his own chair, allowing his squad, including me, to form a semicircle around his desk, listening closely to what he had to say. "A reliable little birdie of mine told me that they saw a suspicious-looking carriage leave the borders of the mountains ranges we are in. They have headed east to a rather remote place. We will execute our plans there."

"Corporal, have you had any other forethought before ordering us to undertake this mission for it sure seems risky," Petra murmured, not wishing to offend Levi.

"We don't have much time for 'forethought', Petra. Mikasa, you're not supposed to be here but I know Eren trusts you and you are indeed the top-performing student in the Trainee Corps," Levi bounded to his feet and unhooked one of his Survey Corps uniform from the coat hanger, hurling it to me, "today, you're one of us. Make yourself useful. If you try anything stupid, just remember that we all have our eyes on you."

"Yes, Coporal," I half-shouted, clutching tightly to the uniform. A rare sense of pride filled me. Eren, I'm coming for you, hang on.
End of Mikasa's P.O.V.

Eren's P.O.V.
I woke to the sound of a resonating click as a lock rolled into place on some metal bars. I was blindfolded. Nothing besides pitch darkness was visible. I was restrained to move, my knees bound to my chest, my hands tied behind my back, in a defenseless posture. My back ached for some peculiar reason, most likely from the rough carriage ride. I could feel the cold slab of concrete below my face, sending jitters up my spine.

Mmph. I tried to speak yet there was a piece of cloth wrapped around my mouth, allowing me to only make muffled sounds. I could hear steady but soft breathing. Someone besides me was sharing the same space. Mmphh? This was the best way of communication I could think of.

Errn? The person replied, the gag around his mouth looser than mine. E-Errn? Errn! He desperately pleaded, thumping on the ground with his feet. Armin, oh no.

"You're both awake, eh?" a gruff voice to my left said. I whipped my head around to see nothing but utter darkness. "I bet Corporal is going to send out a search party in no time. I have my men ready at the gates to welcome them." The unknown man snickered, shifting in his chair. He was expecting Levi to bring his squad to rescue me and Armin. I had a burst of faith in Levi that they would not be wiped out by our kidnappers. I feigned panic, letting out a suppressed groan. Armin, as if reading my mind, followed my actions, sniffling and hitting his hands against the cold wall in protest.

"I see you guys are all scared for your little boss. I have a deal, actually. Work with us, and your little boss's squad will not be slaughtered," the man sounded contented with our reactions, thinking that his plan had worked. A hand reached behind my head and tugged the gag off. "Talk. Tell us whether you would cooperate with us. Talk. Now."

"What makes us so special?" I dared myself to ask. The man didn't appear to mind my question.

"We know of your powers, Eren Yeager. My group and I will use your powers to make everyone in this town docile. Even better, we could use it against everyone within the walls. We don't need Armin Arlert, he's rather disposable. Yet if you choose to not cooperate with us, his throat would be slit instantly," the kidnapper intimidatingly whispered into my ear, making me shudder with fear. Armin gave a low grunt, overhearing our conversation. I could not let Arlert die under my watch.

"I saw with my own eyes your gorgeous girl enter the carriage with Levi's squad," he muttered under his breath. Mikasa? My heart stilled for a fraction of a second before continuing to thrum at a frenzied beat. "If you don't comply, she will be the last one to die. I will bring her in here and kill her in front of you."

I whimpered, "I won't let you kill Armin, Mikasa or anyone in Levi's squad."

"So will you side with us, or not? It all falls upon you now, my dear friend."
End of Eren's P.O.V.

A/N: Please vote~~thanks readers!~~ Leena Yeager

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