The Tourist (Part 5)

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*le time skip*

A beam of light peeked through the curtains in the bedroom the next morning, shining right onto Arthur's face. In that moment his eyes fluttered open and he slowly looked around the room "Bloody hell.." he muttered under his breath. He then glanced next to him in bed to see a ball of blonde hair, and in that moment he realized that he slept in the bed with Francis. His cheeks turned a deep crimson red and he leaned over then pushed the hair out of the french's face. He looked so peaceful..and his hair looked magnificent even in his slumber. He was gorgeous; seeing Francis like this made Arthur smile. He then got out of the bed and walked out to the kitchen, looking around for something to eat or cook. Hopefully not to cook, he'd hate to admit but he wasn't all that great at cooking..

He found a box of cereal in the pantry, some milk in the fridge, and a bowl with a spoon. He then sat down and began to eat the cereal. About ten minutes later Francis straggled into the kitchen, not to mention he had a bad case of bedhead. Arthur chuckled "Not quite the morning person I see." he said softly; noticing the french was making coffee. Francis yawned and nodded "Zhat would be correct" he said with a small but noticeable smile. He leaned against the counter as his coffee was being made "Want any?" he said, gesturing to the brew. Arthur shook his head and politely said "I'm good, thank you for offering though. I have a question..". Francis looked at him and said "I have an answer?" with a questioning look. "I thought you were going to sleep on the couch, how did you get into the bed with me? And for that matter how did I get into the bed?" he asked. Francis chuckled and started to pour his coffee into a mug"I had to carry jou back zhere. And when I tried to leave you alone," he paused and looked at Arthur "Jou pulled me down with jou and wrapped around me. So I couldn't exactly leave.." he chuckled lightly again. 

"O-Oh.." Arthur's cheeks turned cotton candy pink "I don't remember doing that. I-I'm sorry". Francis yawned, sat down across from him, and shook his head a little. "Non worries, it's no problem." he himself blushed a little "I-I actually sort of like the company." Arthur then looked at him questioningly, Francis waved his hands "N-Non I mean it's nice to cuddle with someone every once in awhile. Seriously, who doesn't like to cuddle?" he said with a nervous chuckle. Arthur smiled and nodded "I guess you're right. Anyways, want some cereal?" he asked. Francis took a drink of coffee and shook his head slightly "Non, I'm okay" he said politely "I don't like to eat in the mornings". 

Arthur thought for a moment " you have anything to do today?" he asked. Francis looked at his coffee, thinking "Mm..non I don't believe I do." he looked back up at Arthur "Why?". Arthur immediately brightened up "That's perfect! You could come with me today and meet Patches!" he grinned from ear to ear, obviously excited. Francis smiled "Zhat's true. Sounds like a plan." he said then finished his coffee. He thought for a moment "Would it be alright if I took a shower before we left zhough? I uh.." he looked down at himself and gave a light chuckle "I feel kinda gross right now. I'd like to be clean..". Arthur laughed a little at the remark "Sure thing, I get what you mean. Go on ahead, I'll just stay out here and.." he looked around and spotted the little furball "I'll play with Pierre while I wait for you." Francis smiled "Merci Arthur (Thank you Arthur) I'll go quick, I swear." he then went back to the bathroom and got in the shower.

It was a couple minutes of silence, other than Pierre's purring,  until Arthur heard something muffled from the bedroom. He thought that maybe Francis was trying to call him back or something so he got up and walked back there. He looked around, but Francis was nowhere to be seen. "Francis?" he said softly; just then he could hear it slightly clearer, it sounded like Francis was..singing? Arthur walked over to the bathroom door and pressed his ear on it. It sounded beautiful and effortless, and to make it better it was all in French. His french sounded so smooth, and kind It made the brit's heart melt, he kept listening until; it stopped. Francis must've been done and getting out. Arthur got off the door and rushed back to the couch with Pierre, he didn't know how Francis would feel about someone listening to the shower. 

Francis came out a couple minutes later with a pair of blue jeans on and a towel over his head, once again shirtless. "Sorry to take so long" he said as he dried his hair with his towel a little "I'll be ready real soon, just gotta get a shirt.". Arthur turned as red as a tomato "Y-Yeah, that would be b-best." he said with a nervous chuckle as he stared at Francis a little. The french looked confused for a moment "Are jou alright Arthur..?" He looked at his face and followed his eyes to himself, then realized and turned red "O-Oh..uh..s-sorry" he said embarrassed. He then walked to the bedroom and came back with a french t-shirt that read "Savoir, penser, rêver. Tout est là. ~Victor Hugo (To know, to think, to dream. That is everything)". Arthur read the shirt, not knowing at all what it meant except the author "Victor Hugo?" he smiled "Cool. Ready to go?" he asked. Francis nodded then they both left the apartment and went outside.

They'd been walking for about 10 minutes, making small talk, when Arthur finally said with a small smile "You have a lovely voice Francis, truly spectacular.". Francis looked at him with slightly wide eyes "You heard?", his cheeks flushed pink "O-Oh..uh, thank you." he said quietly as he looked at the ground. Arthur chuckled "Sorry if I'm embarrassing you." he placed a  hand on Francis' back gently "But it's true" he said with a friendly smile. Francis just blushed even more at the remark and the brit's hand placement, he started to get butterflies in his stomach again. "Well uh..t-thanks" He avoided eye contact until he saw something out of the corner of his eye "Hm?" He looked across the street and there of all things was, the Big Ben clock tower. "Woah..Is zhat what I think it is?" He said, filled with excitement as he gazed up at it. Arthur glanced over at it then at Francis' face and smiled "The Big Ben? Yeah, that's it. Why do you ask?". Francis stared at it in awe "It's even bigger up close..It's incredible!" 

Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at the french's excitement "Would you like to see it from the inside?" he asked. Francis looked at him "Are..Are jou serious?" he gently grabbed Arthur's shoulders "Jou can't joke about somezhing like zhat to moi, seriously. I can't handle zhe magnitude of somezhing like zhat. Now," he stared deep into the other's green eyes "Is zhat even possible?!". Arthur stared back into Francis' eyes for a moment in a trance. He  then smiled brightly "Of course it is Francis. If you wanna see it that badly, then let's go!". He then grabbed the frenchman's hand and led him quickly across the street. Francis followed behind, barely able to contain his excitement. He looked at their hands as they crossed the street and blushed "O-Okay!" he said nervously as they entered the building. 

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