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That's your fucking job you fucking looser - Louis Tomlinson

We're dragged through the door of the Asylum and Josh and I are thrown harshly onto a chair. The masked men tie us down to the chairs. They begin speaking in an unknown language that neither me or Josh could understand. The men stomp out of the room and we're left alone in the creepy, cold and dark brick room.

"Fuck." Josh says with terror on his face. "We're fucked."

"Shhh." I shush Josh.

We both shut up as we hear four sets of high-heels stepping down the hallway in front of us. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Four figures come towards us. Soon the faces are visible. Two of them are stern looking ladies, both blonde, slim and both look in their fifties. However one of them doesn't even reach five feet in height while the other is easily five foot seven inches. The next two are just girls, even younger than Josh and I. They can't be older than fifteen. The one on the right is a brunette, with her straight hair hitting her shoulders perfectly. She's slightly taller than the tallest woman. The other girl has her blonde hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail. She can't be any taller than five foot four inches. Both of the girls black dresses that hug their curves perfectly and two inch black heels.

"Ah, what do we have here?" The petite woman says. "A girl and a boy, both nineteen yes?"

I nod quickly while Josh nods reluctantly.

"Good good, we'll see what's wrong with both of you minds." The petite woman says with a smile.

"Oh how rude are we?" The taller woman buts in. "We haven't done introductions. How about you two start, yes?"

"I'm Charlotte Meredith Andrea McAnderson." I spit out nervously. I can tell that these woman are evil and mean business. "But please call me Lotta!"

"Oh Lotta, we are so glad you're here." The taller woman says to me before she turns to Josh. "And you?"

"Josh." He says reluctantly.

"Full name dear." The taller woman says.

"What's it to you?" Josh sasses her.

"Okay, Josh is fine for now. I'm sure we'll get it out of you, somehow." She says. "Now it's our turn. I am Ms. Nebula."

"And I am Mme. Abel." The petite woman says. "Ms. Nebula and I are sisters."

Mme. Abel walks over to the taller of the two younger girls.

"This is my daughter, Arabella Abel." Mme. Abel says before gesturing to the shorter girl. "And over here is Blair Nebula. Ms. Nebula's daughter and my niece."

Arabella and Blair both wave.

"Now," Ms. Nebula says. "Arabella go with Charlotte and Blair go with Josh."

Ms. Nebula and Mme. Abel walk back down the hall leaving us with the girls.

"Lotta," Arabella says to me. "Please don't resist or lie, I really don't want to torture you."

"Okay." I say quietly.

"LET ME GO!" I hear Josh yells as Blair has her hands around his wrists.

I see Blair dig her nails into Josh's wrists and blood drip out.

"Ow." Josh says weakly.

"That is why you don't struggle." Arabella says. "And please call me Ara, I like that better."

I stand up and let Ara lead me.

"Why does your mother and aunt call you Arabella if you prefer Ara then?" I ask.

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