Chapter 2 (second half of the party)

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here is the second part of the party, this bit is majorly embarrassing!

Have fun laughing at me, for what an idiot I was!


Bye! Ashleigh! :)


After we'd finished tackling each other, me Niamh and Sophie went back into the mini gazebo.

I said, "I like Harry!" again loads of times, and Sophie started laughing again, whilst drinking her drink, so she spat it on the floor! How pleasant! Ha ha he he!

Then none of us could stop laughing!

And James/Colin, entered the tent! Yeah, it's not as dramatic as it may sound! They are sophie's 1 cousins, I remembered their names! Yay!

So yeah, anyway, James sat down opposite me, so now were were in a full circle, then Colin left, and went back to Harry.

We had a really awkward silence, so I said, "Awkward!" in a really high pitched voice.

And James started laughing while HE was drinking his drink! And lucky for me, I was the one opposite him, so, it went all over me! Not cool!

He then put his hand to his mouth and said, "Oops!" and grinned!

"Yeah, OOPS!" I retorted.

He then walked over to me, only about a meter, and at my side, he was about to pour the rest of his drink over me, which was in a plastic cup, and I think had orange fanta in it! So yeah, ge was about to pour it over me, so, I tipped the cup the other way so it went all over him instead! Ha ha!

"Oops!" I said mocking him.

"Oh my god!" he screamed.

Then me Sophie and Niamh, legged it out of the tent, and into the shed where the drinks were.

We started cracking up laughing!

"I need another drink!" I said half laughing.

"Me too." replied Niamh, laughing as well!

"I will as well!" said Sophie walking over to the drinks, laughing.

"Look what you did!" James came in, nearly tripping over the ledge.

"Sereves you right for spitting in my face!" I said, still not containing my laughter!

We all went back outside, to where we played football, and played a game called boy chase, where the boys have got to try and get the ball off the girls, and the girls have got to try and get the ball off the boys!

Each person in our team, marked one person from the other team, I marked Harry! My idea! Pure genius!

So we played that for quite a while, but it was so not fair that I had to wrestle the ball off Harry. He's too strong! And tall (ish)! So all of the girls had to get the ball off Harry! Team effort! Whoo!

After that we all got really tired and didn't know what to do!

So I came up with a spit take game! Nice!

Everyone had water in their mouth apart from one person! And quite a few times that was Harry!

So I'll just tell the story from when he did it!

All Niamh had to do was look at Harry and she spat her drink out onto the floor!

That almost cracked me, when he looked at Niamh and was just like, "What?" it's alot funnier than it sounds! 'Cause he said said it half laughing half smiling and his his voice shaking a bit! It was just hilarious!

So, anyway, I almost cracked at that one but just survived! Yay! I'm a survivor!

On a different round, when he was the person who had to make people laugh, some people had already cracked! Meaning Colin!

But Colin whispered something in Harry's ear, and we were all a bit confused until he said, "Peanut butter jelly time!" doing his half smile half laugh thing! With alot more of smiling and laughing!

We all spat our drinks out at that one! But... Oh god this is soooooo embarrassing!

I turned around to stop myself from choking to death! But I didn't know that he was right near me when I spit my drink out... So I... Accidentally... I accidentally spat my drink out in his face!

Oooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Not cool!

But luckily sophie's dad had just came back so there was no major embarrassment! But he started talking to some of the other adults!!!!!!!! More endurance for me then!

But it seemed he had forgiven me for spitting in his face because...

He asked me to chase the balloon! Oh my gosh! Such and amazing opportunity!

So I did! It was actually quite fun! Really! It should be a new game!!!!

It was time to go after that! It was about... 8:45pm!

Then Sophie just randomly said, "Oh I remember his name now! It's Henry!" meaning Harry's older brother!

We bye to everyone and got in the car...

Sophie's dad was standing next to the car talking when Niamh said, "So you fancy Harry then?"

"Well yeah! Isn't it obvious?!"


Sophie's dad sat in the car but Niamh carried on the conversation!

"So then. Sophie, maybe you should ask that boy that Ashleigh really likes what school he's going to, then they could become very good friends!" she said and nodded the last part!

Great! So now Niamh just said everything really loud and sophie's dad has probably caught on to what we were talking about!

And I was right, 'cause the next day my mum asked me, "So who's this boy that you met at the party then? Is he your boyfriend then?" oh I wish!

"No!" I retorted and went upstairs!

So my mum knew sophie's dad knew... Who next her grandma?

Yes, her grandma, Sophie came to me on monday and said, "Oh yeah by the way, my grandma kinda knows that you fancy Harry!"

"What?!" I yelled. "How?"

"I dunno, my grandma just said to me, 'so which one of your friends fancies Harry from next door?'"

"Great! This is all Niamhs fault! Cause of what she said in the car!"

So we went and told Niamh and she was like oops! Sorry! But we all laughed about it in the end!

But the realisation of it all hit me! "Do you think your grandma will tell Harry 'cause he only lives next door to her?!"

"I don't know!"

I was now officially in panic mode...



So what do you think? Embarrassing huh?

Vote and comment please!

Thank you!

My next one will be at school where my teacher finds out! And so do the rest of the class!


Ashleigh! :)

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