Two Halves of a Whole

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When Clarke left earlier that morning with Bellamy, the kids had been hard at work. Working on the second smokehouse - since they'd been hunting more and more deer and found more panthers to the south - reinforcing the wall, training with Octavia and Lincoln - who had returned and actually started integrating himself into the community - laying the footwork to build cabins and a mess hall and even, with Monty and Raven's heads put together, a greenhouse and possibly plumbing with remaining parts from the Dropship so they can build showers even that route water from a stream nearby. Today had even been a great day for a few to take clothes and rags down to the stream and wash laundry.

But now, the kids were in a frenzy dashing around. At least fifteen had guns in their hands as they switched shifts with the ones on the wall and a few were heading towards the tunnels with magazines of ammo in their hands. Radios were passing hands, supplies and food was being taken into the Dropship, the campfire was being put out, and Raven was shouting at three fifteen year olds who had helped Jasper plant mines on the west hill just outside of Camp.

"What's going on?" Clarke pitched her voice so it carried across the entire Camp and everyone suddenly stopped in their tracks, turning to find their blonde princess at the gate entrance.

The whole camp was silent and looking at her in disbelief and joy as if they couldn't believe she was really here.

Clarke trembled a bit as she realized with all their attention on her, she would have to tell them what had happened now and she closed her eyes with a sigh, ducking her head to try and regain her sense of control before she could speak again.

"What's going on?" Another voice thundered her question from the entryway of the Dropship and all heads swiveled to look at the tall figure standing there.

Clarke whimpered and her fingers came up, rubbing her forehead before pinching the bridge of her nose as her carefully-put-back-together walls wavered at the sound of his voice echoing in her mind. She could just picture him standing on the ramp of the Dropship, shirtless, that confused look in his eyes, the commanding tone in his voice as he said,

"Why isn't anyone moving? Get back to work!"

Her heart stuttered back to life as Clarke seemed to realize his voice wasn't echoing in her mind but in the clearing around her and for a brief moment she thought she could be possibly going crazy.

"Clarke?" Finn's voice sounded from her left and she looked up at his blissful face where he was standing with a few scouts coming from their foxholes. He started to move forward to greet her.

"Not right now, Finn!" Clarke said quietly and he froze in his tracks, a hurt expression on his face.

The teenagers' heads swiveled back around to their doctor and Bellamy, who'd been stepping forward to start yelling again, almost tripped over himself at the sound of his co-leader's voice.

"Bellamy!" Kendra's voice came from her right and Clarke whirled back around as the fair-haired girl stared at the young man in front of her as if he was a ghost.

"You're alive!" Murphy smiled.

Bellamy and Clarke stood there staring at each other for a brief moment before - for the second time in an hour - Clarke's walls crumbled.

The sword in her hands fell with a loud clatter and she tried to cover a sob with her hands, but it escaped her throat as she kept eye contact with his impossibly warm brown ones and then she was moving. The crowd of delinquents parted as quickly as they could before Clarke was in front of Bellamy and threw herself into his bandaged bare chest.

He swept her up in his arms, spinning so her momentum didn't knock them both over and he irritatedly pushed away the pain that flared up as her grip on him tightened. He held her waist with one large arm, letting his other come up and hold her head to his shoulder, digging his fingers into her tangled mess of blonde waves just so he could know she was real in his arms. One of her arms was around his neck while her other had come up and her hand clutched at his curls on the back of his scalp desperately.

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