The big day

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April 17th, 2025. Katie looked in the mirror at the sight of herself wearing a suit and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She dreamt about this day for years and it was finally happening. She was getting married. She was actually marrying her girlfriend of over ten years.

"Katie, someone wants to see you!" Her mother yelled outside the door. She pushed her hair in place again and looked at herself once more. The next time she saw herself she'd be Mrs.Williams-Estrada.

"Come in!" She yelled back. The door opened slowly and a woman walked in.

"Hey sis." the woman said. Katie stood there, frozen. She hadn't seen her sister Tobin in years because of her constant soccer training and traveling. After their last fight, they cut off ties completely and hadn't spoken since.

"What are you doing here?" Katie managed to ask.

"Well your girlfriend reached out to me. Initially I didn't want to have anything to do with you or her anymore but I can see now that it'd be silly of me to keep doing this. To keep disappearing and expecting you to keep doing what I said when I got back. I'm sorry Katie." Tobin said sincerely. The last time they spoke, Tobin was trying to get her to break up with her girlfriend because she didn't see them being together in the long run. Katie hated Tobin for making her choose between them and it surprised her that she even showed up today.

"You wasted so many years being mad at me for being with her. You never even gave her a chance Tobin. She's such a good person and it makes me sad that my sister and my soon to be wife aren't on speaking terms. But I forgive you. I want you to be there for all of the future memories this family will have. I want my kids to finally meet their aunt." Katie could barely get out the last part before a sob escaped her mouth. Tobin stepped forward and cried with her. Moments passed before they separated again and looked at each other.

"I missed you, you jerk." Katie said, lightly pushing Tobin's arm. Tobin laughed.

"I missed you too, dork. Now come on. Your wife is waiting." The two walked out of the room together and went out to where everybody was seated.

"Mom!" Two little kids yelled and came running up to Katie.

"Mommy has to go. I have to get ready to marrying your mom." Katie told the young girls.

"Mommy who's this?" asked her youngest daughter. Katie hesitated for a second before she replied.

"This is my sister Tobin. She's your aunt." The two girls looked confused for a second before yelling in excitement.

"Yaaay! Now we have a referee for when we play soccer with mommy!" The girls exclaimed and started climbing on Tobin. She picked them up and laughed.

"You better get going Katie. I think it's about to start soon." And as if on cue, the music started playing. Katie went and stood at the alter and tried to calm down. People came out of the entrance and some stood next to Katie and some stood on the other side of her, where her girlfriend would be standing soon. Everyone's faces blurred and Katie was searching for a specific face. The crowd stood up and Katie knew the moment had arrived. Her girlfriend walked out, holding onto her fathers arm and Katie was blown away. She was wearing a simple white dress but Katie thought she looked stunning. It was getting harder to hold back tears as she came nearer to her and she knew her girlfriend was feeling the same way by the way she looked back at her. Before she knew it, her girlfriend was standing in front of her, smiling so widely. Katie quickly looked around and saw everybody. She saw both of their moms already sobbing. She saw their daughters sitting on Tobin's lap trying to stay quiet to not ruin the moment. Katie knew from this moment on, she'd always be happy. She got her sister back and she was now about to marry the love of her life. Everything would always be good now.

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