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"Honey... are you really sure about this?" Youngjae asked his husband who was helping him change his clothes.

"Yes dear... I think I can pull this off.. we practiced remember?.. why do you doubt me?"
Daehyun reasoned back.. he wasn't exactly liking the way
Youngjae was doubting him.

Youngjae looked at him with unreadable eyes.

"Are... Are you scared?" Daehyun reluctantly said. It wasn't like Youngjae to be afraid of things like this. After all, they have practiced a million times before this night.

"Yes... Yes I am.." The younger honestly answered back.

"Youngjae... I'm not going to cut your forehead for real... it's just going to be an illusion for the cro-"

"No...I'm not afraid of that... you said it, remember? We practiced a lot... and I'm most terribly sure you would never cut me for real... You love me too much to do that" Daehyun rolled his eyes at this though he knew it was absolutely true "What I'm afraid about is that when you go up that stage with me and perform the act, the people wont like it because they've probably seen it a million times and then they start to shun you... If they do that... You'll be broken... and I don't know Daehyun... I just can't stand you like that..."
He caressed his lover's hair in a gentle manner and looked at him straight in the eyes, trying to find a single drop of doubt in them.. but all he found was the looks of pure determination.

"It's okay Youngjae... if they like me... I'll walk home with my lovely husband and prepare the grandest dinner I could ever give him... If they don't like me... I'll still walk home with my lovely husband and prepare that grandest dinner that he deserves..." Daehyun gently buttoned Youngjae's black vest that teasingly revealed his sexy collar bones. The thought that he knew he was wearing nothing underneath the vest drove Daehyun's head wild. The cursed matching shorts were a mind wrecker as well. They only covered half of his husband's milky thighs and it tempted him to just bail and go home to dive in to them... but maybe he had to place that in the right time because right now, he had a dream to accomplish.

"Alright baby... I trust your word... just don't cry when you disappoint yourself, okay? You know I hate that..."

"Yes" answered Daehyun as he finished tying Youngjae's bow loosely around his neck, just to make sure it wouldn't make the latter uncomfortable.
He looked up at his husband in his final outfit and his mouth started to water... it was like falling in love all over again...

"Beautiful. Just beautiful..." Daehyun complimented and chuckled as to see a light blush forming on Youngjae's chubby cheeks.

He couldn't resist it anymore, so he just went and kissed Youngjae flat on the lips passionately. Youngjae's kisses always gave him strength anyway, so there was no reason to avoid them and their shining glory.

"Do care to tell the crowd you're taken... I don't want them to ogle at someone that's mine..."

Youngjae held his hand lovingly in response before he led them to the backstage.

"I wouldn't dream of it.."

The show was going to start in a matter of minutes and Daehyun felt his confidence from before disintegrate in to the air.

"Alright, Daehyun.. You can do this! You can do it! You can- You can't! I can't do this!!" He halfly yelled at himself, totally forgetting Youngjae was staring from beside him.

"Daehyun hon... You gotta calm down..." with his slender and delicate fingers, he gave Daehyun's shoulder a tight squeeze.. he didn't want the elder to believe he was alone in this.
And it wasn't like the other to freak out at night of the show... usually he'd be very calm and collected before performing.. well at least he is before singing.. guess magic shows were a different story.

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