Chapter 7

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A/N: surprise surprise. it's been awhile.


Warmth emanated from the body beneath Lauren. Her cheek was pressed against a soft yet firm surface as she slept. She realized just how much she missed feeling Camila against her by the way her arms were enclosed tightly around the brunette's small waist. She also realized how cuddling seemed to easily move itself up her list of favorite things.

Lauren's hold tightened as Camila began to awaken, attempting to sit up but denied the action as Lauren pressed her face further into her abdomen.

"No," Lauren whined. "I'm still tired and I missed this. Don't move."

Camila chuckled at the fact that Lauren could still be demanding even when half-conscious. She also missed being so intimate with Lauren but Lauren had to get to work and Camila had her own set agenda to follow..

Camila moved her hand over the black mass of hair covering the skin where her shirt had ridden up to reveal the slumbering expression of Lauren's face.

"I have to cook breakfast now or you won't have any time to eat before you leave."

"I'll pick something up," Lauren mumbled, eyes never opening.


"Camila," Lauren mocked and then groaned a loud fuck! when Camila pinched her in response.

The brunette was able to slip out of Lauren's embrace as a result of Lauren catering to her 'injured' arm. She laughed and pulled her shirt back down as Lauren practically muttered every single obscenity known to man.

Neither of them addressed the night before although the thought of it was invading Camila's thought process the entire time she brushed her teeth. Their 'making up' was really kissing each other's lips off  until it dawned on them both that oxygen was a necessity. It was new for Camila, she liked it but she also felt as though it was too fast for her.

And she had had fast before. She didn't prefer it then either but didn't really know any other option. But she saw options with Lauren. She saw something with Lauren. She didn't see the woman who was only open to having sex, or the woman that was so nonchalant to her partner's feelings.

Lauren cared. Lauren told her that she cared, about her. And to someone from the outside looking in, that may be a statement so simple, so easily dealt with, but to Camila, well to Camila, that was everything.


"Is it possible for Gabriel to swing back around to the loft after he drops you off at work, or do you need him?" Camila asked and leaned her back against the wall adjacent to the front door.

Lauren arched an eyebrow as she stepped into her pumps. "We could have just rode together if you had somewhere to be."

Camila chewed on her lip silently, taking her time to think before answering. "I wanted to get a little more rest. I just have to take care of some errands regarding the grant for the funds my abuela left me."

"Oh, okay. I'll make sure Gabe knows to head back over here." Lauren's eyebrows furrowed before an expression of recollection passed over her features. "Are you using my father's firm? I can set you up with a wills and probate attorney. All expenses will be covered."

To Lauren that sounded like the perfect idea but not too much to Camila. Though she really did have to take care of the assets her grandmother left, she had to deal with some other things first.

"That sounds great. I'll see you later?"

"Of course, let me know when you're heading to the firm so I can make sure Dianna is free." Lauren put on a long, black and wool Burberry tailored coat before snatching up her briefcase. "Camz, can you drive? Like do you have a driver's license?"

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