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The quiet whispers of the trees and the swaying of the flowers tell a story. A story of life. A cycle. 

In a cycle, it has to be a never-ending loop that whatever starts and whatever follows will have the same result. 

But that isn't so.

The splashing of waves were heard along a riverbank, a small ripple of disturbance creating chaos. A pale hand was dancing in the air whose owner seemed to not care. The reflection of the chaos directed into her gray hues, her pupils not seemingly to be at the moment. 

However, the wind started picking up, causing her long, dark almond hair to sway along with it. Her hand stopped as the waves settled and her attention was brought elsewhere. Looking up, she saw the birds flying away. The riverbank, that was once peaceful for a moment, roared with the wind. Twigs and leave started to disperse.

As she placed her hand on her side, she turned carefully on her heel before walking towards the direction of what would look like a hurricane, where any sane human would go running off the other direction. Maneuvering around the trees like it was no big feat, her eyes strained on the eye of the hurricane.

The clouds seem to be angry. But it would only seem so.

In no less than a few minutes, she saw the one causing it. Standing only half a head taller, was the only one she would look forward to seeing everyday. For being the only one able to know the forest as much as she does is one thing she never see everyday.

The oncoming disaster disappeared,  making her head shake a little at the little mishap. An amused smile broke into her lips, one crack at a time. As he turned around and their eyes met, she stared for a bit longer until wide arms were opened to be welcomed. 

And she gladly obliged. 

Feeling his warmth, she knew she was home. And as he took her small hand in his, she knew the day was about to start from then on. In the forest.

Oh, the forest can be so intriguing. 

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