Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


"Echo!" my mom calls out, stopping me before I can reach the door. She hurries up to me with a hopeful smile. "This came for you in the mail."

The envelope in her hand makes my stomach twist. The university logo on the top left corner is what does it to me. Every other college and university I've applied to has rejected me. One year of stability and mostly good grades doesn't come close to wiping out three years of abysmal academics. This is my last chance outside of our local community college. Instead of opening it, I snatch it out of my mom's hand with a quick thanks and escape to my car.

I don't forget about the letter. It stays purposely buried in my backpack until lunch when I sit down at my usual table in the corner where Zara and Holden are waiting. As usual, the cousins are arguing about something or other. The chatter dies down as soon as I drop the envelope on the table and plop into my chair. Holden is the first to pick it up.

"Want me to open it?" he asks.

Hesitating, I finally nod when I realize it has to be opened at some point. "Go for it." The news isn't going to change just because I wait longer to find out. Even still, I close my eyes when I hear Holden tear open the paper. I can't help holding my breath as I wait for his response. When he sighs, my last hope shatters.

"Sorry, Echo."

Zara reaches over and pats my arm. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with community college. That's where I'll be, too. You know, if I go to college at all. Right now I'm leaning toward taking a year off. Roaming around or whatever. My parents are totally all for it."

Her parents would be, I think to myself. Sometimes I wonder if her mom and Holden's dad are really related. Holden's dad is a lawyer, and fully expects his son to jump into his precisely plotted five year plan the day after graduation. Zara's mom is all about letting her kids explore the world and discover themselves when they're young, before the soul-stealing world of adult life sucks out all their joy. My parents, they're so focused on making sure I don't implode, they tippy-toe around every decision, carefully mapping out my future in the safest route possible. I appreciate that they care, but sometimes I feel like I'm suffocating.

"Taking a year off," I say quietly. "What do you think it would take to convince my parents to let me do the same thing?"

Holden frowns, his overprotective side spawning a heavy dose of concern. Zara only shrugs. "It's not like you actually need permission, Echo. You're eighteen."

Shaking his head, Holden says, "It's not about permission, Zara, it's about being careful. Running off on her own might not be the best thing for Echo. Think about your friend instead of just having fun and playing around."

Zara glares at him, but I look away. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Holden. I don't say it out loud, but keeping quiet doesn't do anything to stop the sting of his words. They've both known me since kindergarten, before things got bad, but not before the ghosts. The ghosts have always been there. Even now, there's at least six of them standing around the table, hoping I'll acknowledge them. I don't.

Somehow, I always knew the people I saw hovering around looking aimless were ghosts, and it never really bothered me. Sometimes I talked to them when I was little. They never talked back. Sometimes they would play with me, though. My mom used to tell people what a good baby I was, how I never cried or fussed. She thought she had just lucked out with an easy first kid. Really, I always had someone standing over my crib smiling at me or making silly faces. Ghosts really seem to like being around babies for some reason.

It wasn't until I got a little older that I realized some of my ghostly friends were hanging around for a reason. A few of them were just lonely and either weren't ready to move on or didn't know how. I haven't got a clue about how to send them on their way, so I figure the least I can do is keep them company.

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