That second day (one chapter story)

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I think it's funny and cute the fact I met Warren on my second Day at Blackwell. But for him it was his first day; he is too shy to socialize on first days of schools, in his words. (And I thought I was the anti-social one). I went to the science lab to have a chemistry class. I chose an empty table and just waited for Mrs. Grant. Right after she entered the room, Warren entered too. He seemed lost.

For some reason I don't know, he chose to sit by my side. He said few words like "Hey, I will sit here, I hope you don't mind" then got all quiet, paying attention to Mrs. Grant's lecture. And when everyone were answering a boring work of questions (about chemistry), we started our first conversation.

- Hey, can you say to me the answer of question 6? I mean, if you don't mind...

- Not at all! It's... - he looked on his paper – acetic acid. Do you want more answers? I already finish it.

- I will probably need. I suck at chemistry – I laughed.

- I can help you anytime you want. No problem for me teaching you some stuffs.

- Really? Ok then.

We chatted a little and at the end of the class, he asked my number. You know, "for science".

We actually talked about science at the beginning, but as we took one whole day and night to exchange sms one to another, we kinda were knowing each other better and... then our conversation jumped to sci-fi movies, games, books, steampunk... It was fun. I don't have many friends to discuss about classic pop culture stuffs. Although Warren has some different tastes for movies and school subjects, we are equal. I could feel it. For example: I used to be best friends with Chloe but we didn't have so many common interests like I have with Warren. And talking about Chloe, I can't even think about how bad friend I was for not talking to her this whole time. Since I stepped out of Oregon, our friendship stopped being the same... But as I'm in Oregon again, I will try to visit Chloe. I just... need to gather some courage to appear at her house.

Warren and I made some friends passing the days, like Alyssa, Kate, Dana, ... And I made some "enemies" like Victoria, Taylor, Courtney and an "Acquatenemy". I know, it's a terrible word that I invented. It's "acquaintance" and "enemy" combined. I mean, I'm not Brooke's friend to say something like "frenemies". She's an acquaintance and I feel she doesn't like me 100%. I don't know... When I'm with Warren, she stares at me in different way.

But among all my friends at Blackwell, Warren (who I can say surely) was the closest friend. For example, on my birthday... yeah, a lot of people said "happy birthday" to me on social medias and even personally, but I passed the day with Warren. We did a lot of silly things, gosh. Basically we went to the shopping mall to play Rock Band in front of random people. But Warren was clever. He said to me if I agree to play with him, he would buy me a cake and anything I wanted. So I was even cleverer. I said to him I would only agree if it was on Bistrot Mercier, a little expansive all French bistrot. But not to sound snob, I said I would use their food to take some pictures for photography homework. Mister Jefferson had asked the class to bring pictures of foods. And he would grade it. Warren agreed with everything and we were supposed to play "Don't stop believing" from Journey.

Warren was wearing a shirt with a Moebius strip print on it, so when some two random dudes walked by my side, I could listen their conversation. One said "Why that loser is wearing a shirt with a twisted toilet paper print?" – the other said: "Oh, I thought it was something about cancer". I made a huge effort to not to laugh about those stupid comments. Because when I looked at Warren's shirt after that, I could only see a toilet paper instead of a regular Moebius strip".

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