chapter 5

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I'm horrified, completely disgusted with myself. What's worse is I'm starring at the open doorway like a dumbass, but that's what I am. I just... he just.... I can't even say it. I climb out of bed shrugging on a night gown along with a new fresh pair of panties. I need to rationalize this. This is normal for women my age. Why is it men can masturbate but I can't. Do you hear yourself? I slap my forehead continuing to shame myself.

I need to talk to him. He need to know that this doesn't change anything. I am a professional who had a weak moment. I walk out my room hunting down his bedroom. Two brown doors are left in a single hallway and I'm sure it's his bedroom. I knock tentatively ready to tell him my piece. The door swings open to a very shirtless man. Focus!

"Look here mister open my bedroom door. I am entitled to privacy, it's a law that was created years ago. And let's get somethings clear I would never ever fuck someone like-" he smashes his lips against mine silencing me. I shriek slapping his chest, but that's no help.

I don't know how I get on his bed but I do. No no no no don't do this!

"Sttop it ppleaseee!" His lips are setting me on fire and I wriggle under him. I push his chest but he's like a wall. Stop it! I want this but I don't want this fuck I don't know what I want. you want to keep your job! 

"get off!" i snap loudly. he gets the hint climbing off my body.

"i am not a cheep whore or a two dollar slut, you cant just try and fuck me!"

oh trust me, with that body i'd pay a pretty penny for you" 

"go fuck your self"

"you know, most women would be pretty happy after and orgasm, especially one involving me."

"who ever put you on your high horse must really love you"

"fine, if you want to be like that then why were you thinking about me when you were engulfed in your own pleasure?" shit! i was ready for that question.

"i wasn't" bad lie

"so you know a different Taylor?"

"no" i sigh folding my arms tightly over my chest.

"so your obviously attracted to me" 

"no" i scoff. i didn't know how close he got until he tips my chin up. i gulp hard and he grins. he likes my discomfort.

"i think this can work if you really want it to" 

"what to work?"  he cocks his head to one side.

"don't be coy baby" baby? why does that feel good to hear. no don't fall for this. i push him hard in the chest.

"your just a player. how many girls have you done this to"

"none, your different" like i haven't heard that before


"I've fucked many girls but I've never k...forget it"

"i hate when people do that" i snap. he simply shrugs sitting at the end of his bed. he really is handsome. he looks up at me and our eyes lock. its the most intense gaze I've ever been in. his lips are soft, and pink and oh so tempting... 

"sleep with me" i snap my eyes out of it glaring at him hard.

"excuse me you have some nerve--"

"i asked for you to sleep with me, not fuck me."

"so your telling me all you want me to do is lay in your bed with you"

he nods "its not like your willing to do more" he shrugs.

"i have my own room thank you"

"not anymore"

"what do you mean not anymore?"

"my house my rules" hes crazy.

"well then i guess ill be leaving" i turn on my heel stomping out his room. the beast himself with all his glory catches up, grabbing my arm and spinning me around.

"i just want to get to know you"

"by forcing me to sleep in your bed? jee what fine character you are" i cant put any more sarcasm into my tone. 

"i didn't mean it like that"he snaps.

"you still tired to force me" i snap back 

"do you have a boyfriend?" what with all the random questions and topic changes.


"but if you did you would sleep in the same bed as them"

"well of course i would"

"so be my girlfriend"

"what!" i shriek. he steps close grabbing my chin. whats with the grabbing me!

"be. my .girlfriend"

oh dear.........


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