Chapter 22

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You guys like the cliffhanger? Please comment what you think will happen next! Bye loves ! -Savannah


Chapter 22: Abby's POV

^^^^^Two days after Niall and Abby became a couple^^^^^

Niall hasn't talked to me since the kiss, no texts, no calls, no nothing. Maybe he is waiting for me to text him? Okay let's try.

A: Hey Niall!

N: Hey Abby!

A: So... What do you wanna talk about?

N: Umm... Abby... Listen. I-I don-n-t think th-h-at weareworkingout.

A: What...?

N: I'm sorry Abby but I just don't have those feelings for you anymore...

A: So your feelings have changed in 2 day Niall!?!??

N: They were never there to begin with. So don't bother in texting or talking to me because you won't get an answer. Goodbye Abby.

Is he really saying goodbye? After all this time I wasted on him... He doesn't love me back? This is twisted. I feel like my heart has been thrown into a meat grinder, ripped to shreds. But I have an idea... I have to ask the most stupidest question to my "lover". Landon here I come.

Landon gave me the directions to his house whenever he offered me to live with him. Landon live in a nice home with yellow siding. He lived on the better side of town too, which was very surprising to me. As soon as I pulled into the driveway, I hopped out of my car. I ran up to the door and rang the doorbell. I heard feet coming up to the door when Logan answered.

"Abby, what a pleasant surprise! Come in!" I walked into their house and noticed all the pictures of a girl beside Landon. Kissing him, hugging him, etc. Very strange how he wanted to take me on a date when he has her. I had to ask Logan who this is. "Logan, umm... Who is this girl?" Logan's face dropped as soon as I asked. "That is Christine, Landon's girlfriend." Ugh! Why is everyone taken that tries to flirt with me!!! "So Landon has a girlfriend?" "Yes and no... Have a seat and I will explain." We walked over to the cream colored couch and sat next to each other.

"Abby, the girl you see is Christine Patters. She was about 2 years older than Landon but they were madly in love. One night, Christine was driving on a busy highway in her corvette, when she was ran over by a semi. They said Christine was killed almost instantly. Landon was heartbroken when he got the news. He laid on in his room for weeks until he met you Abby. You gave him his life back and you didn't even know it." By the time Logan was done, I was teary-eyed. "Where is Landon?" I was very eager to see him right away. "He is at the bar on 8th. Street." With that I jumped off the couch and ran out the door. I have to find Landon.


Is this story bad guys? I need an answer so I don't keep on making this story and nobody likes it. So comment below please. 

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