Chapter 18

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~Chapter 17 ~

* Nicole's POV *

"I'm wHaT?" I screech.

The doctor takes a deep breathe. "...blind. Most likely not forever. Just temporarily!"

"But how can I be blind? I didn't hurt my eyes."

"The object that fell on your head knocked into the part of your brain which controls your eyes. This caused you to loose your sight until the brain can repair itself. It should repair anyways... When it does, you should have your sight back!"

"And when will that be?" Zayn asks.

"No idea." I'm guessing he's looking at me... "That all depends on you."

He realizes that I can't see him and he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You can go home tomorrow, Hun." I hear him leave the room.

Harry's voice comes from a few feet to my left. "What exactly happened Kitten? Do you remember?"

I think for a moment. "Well, I was wandering around back stage. A voice, that I swear I've heard before said something to me... It came from above. I looked up and that anvil fell on my head. When I woke up, I couldn't move or open my eyes. I could hear and feel everything though! It was so frustrating."

Louis brakes the awkward silence. "D-do you think it was the guy who hurt Harry? The one who keeps texting you?"

"Yeah. I think so..."

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