Chapter 16

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  • Dedicated to @nikkikw2000

Sorry if I depressed you with the last chapter, don't worry this one shouldn't be too bad... 

Sadly, I've had writers block lately! I kinda planned something different for this chapter but decided to introduce a new character- Nikki. She's been really supportive of my fan-fic lately, so follow her on twitter! @nikkikw2000 and check out her fan-fic, it's really good... Anyway, here's a slightly boring chapter but you kinda have to have some just so it makes sense :D Oh, and to anyone who's commented so far, you literally made my day, like I can't stop smiling and it's just so amazing. Thanks for all your support, sorry for being soppy and sad but... HERE'S A CHAPTER!

Nathan's POV

I don't remember much after I blacked out... My therapist back in Gloucester calls them 'episodes'. It's almost like I was completely drunk, the details are fuzzy and I don't remember much but I could tell it wasn't good from the looks Jay and Tom shot me when I woke them up

"H-How are you, mate?" Tom said softly

"I'm... Fine. Listen, I didn't mean anything I said last night." They looked at me like they didn't trust me, like they didn't want to push me over the edge

"Look, I don't remember what I said, but I didn't mean it, I didn't mean any of this!"

"No but you did! You wanted to do that to yourself!" Jay shouted, his eyes were watering as he shakily pointed at my wrists

"I know Jay. I know I did." I whispered. I walked out the room and showered and changed into some ripped jeans, navy hoodie, plain white t-shirt and a navy blue beanie hat with some white converse. I was just about to hop into the car with Big Kev when I got a call from the police

"Mr Sykes? Yes, we're going to need you down at the police station as soon as possible for your statement."

"Alright. I'll be down right away." 

"Manchester Police station please, bus driver." I smirked at Kev, he always got annoyed when I called him that and I couldn't help but laugh and then he'd get more annoyed and I'd laugh more

"Someone's happy considering where we're going." I winked and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled at me then his smile dropped and he went pale. He stopped the car and took my arm by my elbow and shook his head. I looked down at my feet, ashamed

"I told you she'd be trouble."

"And I still think she's worth it. Now come on, that interrogation won't do itself!" We drove in silence, I felt his eyes drift over to me when he stopped the car at the lights but he swiftly returned his gaze back to the road. We arrived at the station and I yanked my hood up over my head and pulled on a pair of sunglasses so that hopefully the paparazzi wouldn't get a nice big shot of me going into the police station to spread over their hate and lie filled magazines. I jumped out the car and sprinted inside, I saw something flash out of the corner of my eye so I slowed and looked around but I saw nothing so I carried on running

"Can I help you sir?" An officer on the desk asked me. This place looked dangerous.

"Err... Officer... Erm... Stone wants so see me to get my statement." My brain shuts down at the worst times...

"Ah right. Full name. Birthday. Occupation. Contact number."

"Err... Nathan James Sykes. 18th April 1993. Singer and musician." I said, then wrote my number on the paper

"Okay. Officer Stone wants this done quickly, we'll just get an officer to escort you to the room in a bit, take a seat please sir." He said, smiling weakly. I sat down on a small cold bench, all these people looked at me dangerously and I could tell they didn't think I belonged here, which is good because I don't. I sat there for a few minutes as my anxiety grew

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