Just the beginning.

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Dear diary, (Really today is Oct.9th,2015, this is just the day of the actual event)

Today is June 14th, 2015. Oh my lordie Jesus!!! I've lost my mind! He's tall! He has the most sexiest accent ever! He's funny! He's the idle of perfect!(in my mind at least). He's my age!(14). We have a lot in common! But when ever something finally goes right for me... something bad always happens, so heres the bad news. Here's the 2 things that have ruined this perfect moment...., #1 he lives in Seattle. #2 He has a girlfriend........

Sadly he doesn't have the same feelings I have for him, his girlfried treats him like crap I swear, it's like he doesn't matter in her life. I just don't get what he sees in her.....? I think that I'm going to give up on having this crush though for real. I know that he wont date me because of where he loves, I know that he wont date me because he's in a relationship, and I know for damn well that wouldn't break up with a super model for someone like me.

So technically she's everything that I'm not. POINT.BLANK.SIMPLE. That's all there is too it. Who would be stupid enough to break off their relationship to be with someone like me..... oh yeah no one. I know that this is pretty sad guys but sadly its my life, do you know how many times I've wanted to end life?

More than once is all I have to say. These people complain about how sucky their life sucks, or that there boyfriend is being a douche bag, or that their phone got taken away..... I would be happy to have a boyfriend, I wouldn't mind if my phone or laptop got taken away cause guess what I have no friends! I wouldn't mind if I had my life taken away really....

These people around here think that there so perfect.... WELL GUESS WHAT BITCH NOBODYS PERFECT!!!!!

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