Stage 5

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Giddy and practically jumping in her seat, Elise was more than ready to see the girls down at the club. Ivy had given away what club they were going to and Elise had to hold back her squeal of delight. It was an odd coincidence that the club that Ivy needed to go to was the one that Elise frequented, but Elise was too excited to question it. She even wore her hair down like most of the girls liked it. She lived to make the girls happy. The strip club was like her home away from home. The ladies were all nice and the owner knew Elise by name. Elise was their number one customer.

"First I need to pick something up," Ivy said, trying not to smile at Elise's excited demeanor. When Elise groaned, Ivy chuckled. She figured Elise would like strip clubs, but she didn't think the wolf would be this happy about it. "Relax. It won't take long."

Elise toed the reusable bag that Ivy had placed by her feet, wondering why Ivy needed to bring anything to a strip club. She wanted to rummage through the bag to see what was inside but didn't think Ivy would like that. She knew though, from the scent, that the ingredients they bought in the Pre Zone were in the bag. That stopped Elise's curiosity cold. She wasn't getting involved.

Ivy stopped the car at a street corner, leaving the car idling. Elise looked out the windows and wondered what they were waiting for. After about ten minutes, someone approached the car and handed Ivy a bundle. Elise watched Ivy take it, put it in the reusable bag, then hand the mysterious stranger a twenty dollar bill. With that done, Ivy drove off again. Elise stared at the bag at her feet. What was in that bundle? And why did it need to be bought on a street corner in the middle of the night? Elise shook her head. Didn't matter, she told herself. She wasn't getting involved.

Finally, Ivy pulled up to the club. She grabbed the bag at Elise's feet then got out of the car. Elise followed suit, smiling the whole way. As soon as she stepped into the club, Elise could feel the familiar music thrumming through her veins. There wasn't a song on the playlist that Elise didn't know. The vibe of the club always got to Elise's bones. It was dark, calm, but with an electric undertone of sensuality. It made Elise's human step with trepidation, but had her wolf howling inside.


Smiling, Elise opened her arms and let the approaching dancer jump into them. The dancer hugged Elise lovingly, her hands low on Elise's back. The dancer pulled back and played with Elise's hair.

"Hey, Jessie," Elise said, still smiling. "How are you?"

"Better, now that you're here." Jessie kissed Elise on the cheek. She looked back, deeper into the club, and waved her arm for someone to join them. "We've been worried about you. Especially Savvy." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Elise rolled her eyes as Savvy approached. Savvy was pretty, gorgeous, but Elise wasn't interested. Not in that way. Sure, they had kissed a little, done a bit of groping, but those were just games. At least they were to Elise. Going any further, or the thought of going any further, made Elise a nervous wreck. She knew Savvy felt differently about the encounters, but she didn't know how to break it to Savvy that nothing more was going to happen, at least not anytime soon. Probably never.

"Elise!" Savvy gave Elise a big hug, pressing herself fully against Elise's front. "Where have you been? It's been a while since you've been in here." She slid her eyes to Ivy, who had been watching the whole time. "Maybe because you have a girlfriend now?" Savvy was smiling but she sounded annoyed.

Ivy smiled and allowed Elise to respond to the dancer. So, Elise did. "No, no," she said, placing her hand on Savvy's shoulder. "No girlfriend for me. I'm not for that." She hoped that Savvy got the hint, but the dancer had a glimmer in her eye, apparently not understanding. Elise sighed. "How about you ladies show me and my friend upstairs. Is there a section available?"

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