~*Prologue* ~

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Hi, my name is Monica Crest. I live in a town called Jackson in New Jersey. I have a mom and a dad and no siblings. I am turning 17 in June; and I am a current junior in Jackson High. I'm not popular but I am on the track team. I'm pretty fast; I'm basicly the fastest on my team. I have an average grades of A's and high B's. My family isn't rich; so normal size house for me. Pretty normal life right? Well; just to let you know readers... My life isn't as normal as your think. Heck I don't even know what's happening. For the past three days I've been in awful, excruciating pain. I can't even move my muscles. My dad is really worried; but my mom looks as though she went through this. Weird right? Anyway... just last night my mom told me she had something to tell me, which was extremely important. I remember she told me she kept a huge secret from me. It was either just when she told me or before she told me; I passed out.

I woke up this morning and I felt like my body was on fire.

"Ahh!"I yelled in pain.

My mom rushed into my room gasping looking at me with worried eyes.

I felt my bones crack, my face forming into a snout and felt my teeth growing larger and sharper. I rolled out of my bed onto the floor.

"Honey can you hear me? You need to calm down. This is normal for the first shift, into a werewolf." My mom said.

I watched as pajamas ripped into shreds and hair grew on my body and my nails grew long and sharp. The whole time I was terrified and thing 'What's happening to me!'

Before I knew it; it was over. But the only difference is I'm a giant hairy monster that can barely fit in this small room. I was on my four feet and I walked to my mirror to see a giant wolf with black fur with silver tints in it. I saw my brown eyes in the mirror with a swirl of black coming in and then it faded away.

'Hello Monica. I am your inner wolf.' My inner wolf said.

'What's going on? What happened to me? Why am I wolf?' I asked in my head.

'Sh. Dear child, please calm down. You are a werewolf. And I am your inner wolf that will guild you.' Inner wolf said.

'Um... Okay.' I said.

My mom was telling me to shift back. I just whimpered trying to say I don't know how to.

'Darling just relax and think of being normal.' Inner wolf said.

I did what she said and turned back on myself and realized I was naked. 'Great.' I thought helplessly.

My mom handed me jeans, a tank top and underwear.

"Here Monica. I have a lot to tell you so please give me a chance to explain." My mom said.

I just nodded in agreement putting on my clothes.

"I'm guessing you already met your inner wolf. She must have told you that you're a werewolf- which you are." My mom said.

I nodded at her.

She took a big breath and continued; "Being a werewolf is part of my family's genes. This transformation is only for the special people (us) to be able to transform. Long, long time ago, there was a reason werewolves were set on this earth to protect it. We protect people, but some wolf's took there speical ability for granted. Like rouge wolf's forming packs to take over a real pack."

"But I don't want to go into rogue and war stories that my grand mom used to tell me." My mom said.

"Can you tell me about werewolf's mom?" I asked curiously.

"Okay. So first thing about a werewolf is they have supernatural speed. You can could probably run this whole area of Jackson in human form without breaking being tired. Also if you have a lot of practice. We were stronger than any other human. In our wolf form we can run through possibly five states straight in the matter of hours. We have supernatural hearing. If a human was outside the house today whispering to someone you could hear it. We also have healing. If you got in a fight or cut or bruised your body will heal itself. Depending on the damage your body should heal fast or slow." My mom said very slowly watching me nod taking a lot in.

"WOW. That's a lot." I managed to say.

"And there's a lot more to being a werewolf. But if you're patient enough we should get done with the whole talk about werewolves by noon." My mom said.

So I sat up against my bed rest, getting comfortable to listen to what my new life will be like.

'Being a werewolf.' I thought.

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