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Authors note
Hey guys I'm going to start my story keep in mind this is loosely based off of teen wolf so it won't be exactly like the show by any means.also this is kind of different from the show in the way that it's after the hale house fire and it's just Derek raising and watching over dawn and they live in a normal two story house not in the ruins of the old house or in the warehouse from season 3:) and her bestfriends are stiles,Scott, Allison,Lydia ,Isaac,And the twins.well happy reading enjoy my little wolfs like ,comment,or follow me to join the pack .
(Dawn up top⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️)
Dawn's P.O.V
Ughhhhhhhh! I mentally groan as my alarm clock is screaming it's head off.I don't even come out from under the covers as I reach my hand over to my night stand and violently hit the snooze button .causing my alarm clock to tumble off the night stand but, I'm to tired to care.a few moments later I subconsciously here my door being opened and someone walking over to me pulling the covers off my face.then proceeding to my window yanking the curtains open causing my eyes to burn as I dramatically throw myself to the floor screaming,"AHHHHH! THE BURN OF THE DAY STAR..IT BURNS HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL!".Which earned a low chuckle from my older brother standing above me as he said,"are you done yet Ro?".Yeah he calls me Ro it's short for my middle name he's called me that for as long as I can remember my full name is Dawn Rose hale."yup I'm done now..what are you doing in here anyway Derek?",I answer back to him."ok just making sure.. your really dramatic you know that and because you have school little wolf".yup I'm a wolf by the way so is my brother I hate it when he calls me little wolf like gah! I'm not little I'm 14 years old I'm in high school for crying out loud! Now I know what your thinking 'your 14 you are little' but other then my occasional weird moments I'm actually really mature.Just as mature as Derek and his pack which technically I guess I'm in.Actually more mature when I think about stiles haha! That goof may be human but he's as much a part of the pack as any.Not to mention my best friend, the two people in the pack that I'm closest to other than my brother and uncle Peter are stiles and Isaac."your just noticing this...and don't call me that I'm not little!"I growled at him.i really really don't wanna go to school or should I say hell I hate it there because, I have to see my boyfriend...Ryan James.Every girl in school even my close "girlfriends" Lydia and alli(Allison) are always like,"OMG! You guys are sooo goals" or "he's so hot, like he's perfect". Yeah that's what they think if they only knew the real story which is yes he may be hot but far from perfect.he belittles me in every way possible, for example, when everyone's around like Derek and my friends he's so sweet but when we're alone he says things like,"your such a waste of space" or "I saw you talking to that guy today your such a slut".thats when he's in a good mood if not...Well let's just say I have a lot of bruises to cover up.which is why I only like hanging out with him when we're around everyone.I groan as I finally get up out of my bed and go to my closet and prepare to take on the day.I dress in dark skinny jeans, black combat boots,a cute flowy black high-low style tank top,and a silver crescent moon necklace my mom gave me before she died.I do my daily makeup routine cover up some bruises on my arms, have my dark hair in cute messy curls down my back, grab my bag and my phone and I'm ready."DEREK!" I call out at my older brother as I descend down the stairs "are you taking me to school today?"I say when I reach the bottom seeing him in the kitchen."Not today but stiles is on his way to pick you up so you can ride with him",he answers.I grab an apple off the counter and sit on the couch in the living room waiting for stiles to get here.Not realizing I blanked out staring off into space I hear Derek say," to Ro helllooooo".I snap out of it saying,"Huh oh sorry what'd you want".Derek's tone gets all serious and I know he's serious by the fact that he doesn't use my nickname this time."Dawn are you ok?" He asks."Yeah I'm fine I was just um thinking",I answer and truthfully I was thinking about what Ryan might have in stare for me today but I obviously can't let Derek know that.So when he asks,"about what?" I lie "um nothing just school stuff".thats when a beep from the driveway breaks us out of our little conversation thank god!that must be stiles I sigh a breath of relief knowing Derek was getting kind of suspicious, I get up and head for the door"Bye Derek love you bro"."bye Ro love you too sis" and with that I'm out the door headed to stiles's jeep I hop in saying,"hey bestie".Stiles smiles and replies with"hey ready?"  "As ready as I'll ever be",I sigh sitting back in my seat thinking .Next stop hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2015 ⏰

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